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 How do I define a colored area in the legend?
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Posted - 01/04/2013 :  09:03:25 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release: 8 SR0 v.8.0724(B724)
Operating System: Windows 7 64bits

Hi there!
All in all I've got two layers placed one on top of the other, and each of them contains a number of curves.
In particular, on the first layer as well as on the second one theres a colored area. As you can see, on the upper layer its red-colored and on the lower layer its blue-colored. What I want to do is show in the legend what exactly this colored area means by putting a red/blue rectangle into the legend and making a note next to it saying something like \delta\rho = \pm 5%. But the problem I came up against when trying to realize this idea was that I couldnt place a colored rectangle into the legend, I tried but without any success. It occurs that the lines in the legend are associated with the corresponding data, but since the colored area isnt associated with any data it cant be denoted in the legend. Is this right? If not, then how do I do that?
Sorry for the clumsy explanation, Im a complete newbie to Origin=(
Id very appreciate any help. Thank you!


1398 Posts

Posted - 01/04/2013 :  09:54:24 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Could you clarify how the filled color is plotted in each layer. Is it a filled area plot by two other data (black lines) with a filled area?

If it is filled area plot, since 8.1, we supported showing rectangle filled area as legend for Fill Area plot.

We never supported adding a graphic object, e.g. rectangle to legend. But in graph window, you can use the Rectangle button on Tools toolbar to add a rectangle object anywhere. To do so, Click the Rectangle button first, then drag to make a rectangle object in the place you want. Change the fill color to what you want.

You can then click the T button (text) to add a text next to the rectangle.

Then you can put the rectangle and text object above your current legend so they look like together.

Furthermore, you can select all these objects and group them together. Then you can move and resize them together. To do so, drag you mouse to draw a big rectangle to cover the legend, rectangle and text objects. U can see they are all selected. Click the Group button on Object Edit toolbar (the second to last button).

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.
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16 Posts

Posted - 01/04/2013 :  11:38:00 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Snow Li!
Originally posted by snowli

Could you clarify how the filled color is plotted in each layer. Is it a filled area plot by two other data (black lines) with a filled area?

Yeah, correct!
I've found the rectangle button and did everything as you said. It worked! Thank you very much!
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