Hi guys, i have a little problem about origin pro 8. My adviser want me to plot some of datas in this program. And i did it but my problem is abot my lines. The peaks of the graphs have to seen at the upper side but they are seeming at the bottom side. How can i change my line?
If you simply want to make the graph upside-down, you can swap the axis scale's "From" and "To" values; e.g., change the current "From=0, To=12.5" to "From=12.5 To=0".
Hi thanks for your reply but i don't want to do that. there is something wrong because the y coordinate shouldn't change. it has to from 0 to 12.5. So i just want to change the line to upside-down.
i really dont understand why the peaks of the graph is wrong. The peaks of other plots are looking to upper side of the graph. but mine is at bottom side.
Origin's graph reflects your X and Y data. Check if your Y data do have bigger values around 10 at the beginning and ending and have smaller values in peak area.
You can also click Data reader button. Click on some points to check the X and Y values.
Also what is your X axis range. Maybe you only plotted a fraction of plot and it happened to have some negative peaks in that area?
Hi again, i eventually found the problem. The point was about my "y" datas. i realized these datas are not compatible with "x" datas. So i used "set column values" option and changed the Column Y as "-col(B)". Maybe, somebody can live the same issue so i wrote the my own solution.