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 Select Range for 3d color map
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Posted - 01/28/2013 :  08:41:21 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
I m trying to create a 3D color surface which will be a zoom of an already existing one. To avoid handling large file, I would like to use edit range (like in 2D graph) in such a waw that data range fits the scale range. It seems there is no Edit Range menu when working with surfaces/matrix. The range shown into [] (in the plot menu window) is not so obvious to understand and to change...

Is there a way to do it, I didn't find it the help ?

Thnaks a lot

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9 SR1
Operating System:W7

Hideo Fujii

1582 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2013 :  10:56:23 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi tbarrou,

I guess you are talking about the "Scale In" tool(a magnifier icon with "+" sign) for 2-D graph. As you pointed out, Origin so far doesn't have a similar tool for 3-D.

If your purpose is to improve the speed of the drawing/manipulation for your 3-D graph from a large dataset, you can tight the condition of the speed mode (from "Graph: Speed Mode" menu, or from "Size/Speed" tab in the Plot Setup dialog ("Format: Layer Properties" menu) which has the interactive "Apply" button).

If you want to show only the subrange of your 3-D graph for the presentation purpose, you can do the following:
1) Show the Plot Details at the layer level ("Format: Layer Properties" menu), and choose "Miscellaneous" tab.
2) Turn ON the Clipping check box. Click OK to close the dialog.
3) Open the X (or Y) axis dialog box, and change the axis's scale, i.e. "From" and "To" values to select your new subrange.
Click OK or Apply to see the result.

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

P.S. If your problem is a speed issue, could you please send us your data and please tell us how you have encounter the problem

Edited by - Hideo Fujii on 01/28/2013 3:35:35 PM
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36 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2013 :  04:03:23 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Hideo,

My purpose is to reduce graph size (I m already in speed mode). I m handling 80 MB graph based on a 150 MB matrix. I want to duplicate the graph to show only a part of the surface, and keep the settings in separate graphs. The graph is still 80 MB, even after rescaling (I redefine scales, I m not using the zoom tool). If I need to do it several times, It leads to large origin files...
With 2D graph, I could use "Edit Range" to consider only a part of the initial dataset. This features seems not available with 3D graphs and matrix. My question was : is there a way to reduce the size of a 3D graph when we display only a (small) part of the matrix ?

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1391 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2013 :  10:48:19 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Are you concerned of the exported graph size or are you concerned of the Origin opj file size?

The opj file size is big mainly because the matrix is big. Plotting graph multiple times will not increase the opj file size that much. Maybe you are talking about the graph size in your Project Explorer window. The graph size showing there means the file size if you save the graph window as an ogg file (graph window file) seperately. Sorry that it may be a little misleading.

As to graphing, do you want to keep the x, y and z axis scale but only display a subrange of surface? In Plot Details dialog, go to Layer level, Enable Clipping, you can change from and to values to be e.g. 20% to 50%, etc. to show a sub-range and still keep the current axis scale.

If you want the axis scale changes as well and only show the range you want, you have to change axis scale and enabable clicpping to 0 to 100% as hideo suggested. Sorry that we don't support Edit Range in 3D graph yet. We will improve it in the future.

Also if you want to graph size to be small, we have a ROI tool (region of interest) to crop the matrix which can reduce your matrix and graph. Maybe that's a workaround for you as well.

Here is how to do it:

1. With your Matrix window active, choos View: Image Mode, which you can help you see your data.
2. Then click the Rectangle tool on Tools toolbar.
3. Then you can draw a rectangle in the subrange you want in Image mode of Matrix.
4. When you resize/move the rectangle, you can see the range information on Status bar. i (row index), j (column index), x, and y. also dx and dy. (You can also use your Zoom and Panning tool (the button below Rectangle tool) to zoom in in Image mode)
5. Then you can right click the ROI box and choose Create New,
--> it will create a new matrix with the subrange.
6. Then you can plot the subrange.

BTW, can we double check if you creating new graphs in 9.0 or using existing 3D graphs created in older versions in 9.0? We want to confirm since 3D openGL graph in 9.0 is much faster.

Thanks, Snow

Originally posted by tbarrou

Hi Hideo,

My purpose is to reduce graph size (I m already in speed mode). I m handling 80 MB graph based on a 150 MB matrix. I want to duplicate the graph to show only a part of the surface, and keep the settings in separate graphs. The graph is still 80 MB, even after rescaling (I redefine scales, I m not using the zoom tool). If I need to do it several times, It leads to large origin files...
With 2D graph, I could use "Edit Range" to consider only a part of the initial dataset. This features seems not available with 3D graphs and matrix. My question was : is there a way to reduce the size of a 3D graph when we display only a (small) part of the matrix ?


Edited by - snowli on 01/30/2013 09:28:03 AM
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36 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2013 :  06:51:08 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Snow,

Thanks a lot for the reply.
I was mainly concerned by opj file size. I was caught in the trap :-)
I was already using clipping, zooming and axes options to resize my graphs. I also manage graph (picture) size with export options.

However, creating subrange from the matrix will be useful for me and I ll try it soon.

About the openGL : I have feeling that handling 3D graph is much faster with Origin 9.0 (I m using it only occasionally and this version only from three days :-)). I don't know how to objectively estimate the time, in case it is useful to you.

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1391 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2013 :  09:20:18 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi tbarrou,

Thanks for the clarification.

Yes, 3D OpenGL Graphing is one of they key features in 9.0 and plotting speed is much faster. U can look at

to see a comparison result with 1000x1000 matrix.
Creating a colormap surface plot
17 times faster

Graph redraw after changes
29 times faster

Graph redraw without changes
65 times faster

Rotating the graph by 5 degrees
340 times faster

Thanks, Snow
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