Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System: Origin 7.0 (with Add-on for ITC)
Dear users, I already searched this forum, but could not find the answer: I have done ITC measurements on a VP-ITC (GE healthcare) and the software supplied is an add-on for Origin 7.0 . I have tried to fit the data points to different models offered, like "binding on one site" or "sequential binding with x sites". Unfortunately the only measurement to judge the qualitity of fit that is offered is the chisqr/ dof . I always get things like 4E4 for the fit, but I have no clue if that is good or bad. When I checked the manual I found an example where they estimated a chisqr/ dof for the fit of 30000, so I guess it would be ok if I get 4E4? IT would be very kind if someone could explain this to me (also I'm not very good with statistics as it is quite some years ago that I had a class)? Thanks!
A Reduced Chi Sqr value will ideally be close to 1. However, it can be scaled significantly with a scaling of y-data, so other measures such as R Sqr and Adjusted R Sqr can sometimes give a better indication of goodness of fit. See the following links for more information: