Origin Ver. and Service Release: OriginPro 8 SR4 v8.0951 Operating System: windows XP
I'm using a user-defined function to fit data. I have two parameters in the function that I would like to fit to ~1e-10. When I fix these parameters, their values are set to zero after saving the function. While the values are small, it's essential that I account for them to make sense of the data. Can I tell Origin to stop forcing these values to zero?
When I input as 0.000000001 I can set the value fixed to E-10. Let me know if it helps.
Meili OriginLab
Thanks for the reply, Meili. The smallest value that will save with the function is 1e-6. When I enter 0.0000001 or 1E-7 (or any smaller value), the parameter is set to zero again. Maybe it is the version of Origin that I am working with.