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 Import time data in column
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Posted - 06/12/2013 :  07:05:25 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
I have doubts .. only recently use OriginPro version 9.0.
I need to import multiple files acquired at different times at a distance of 5 seconds (example date / time: 20130506_122841e 20130506_122846) I would like to know if the program is able to find the time signature directly from the "File name" and automatically create a new column?

help me!! Thank you.
goodbye, Newton13


1407 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2013 :  3:04:44 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

You can use Import wizard to import multiple files with same structure to new columns of same worksheet and also extract information from file name to column labels.

Here is a video tutorial that may help you.

Key points: One 1st page, u can select all files and choose Import mode to be Start New Columns.

One 2nd page, you can check Append file name to Column comments if it's good enough to distinguish the columns

or you can continue till you are at Variable Extraction page.
Check the method suitable to extract variable. E.g. if your file name is 20130506_122841.dat, you can check 1st checkbox. Also make sure "Create User Parameter rows for each variable" checkbox is checked.
Then on the next page, extract variables.
Set the Line to be F04 to extract variable from file name.
The variable name can be set to Time and the variable value can be what you got from value dropdown list based on Delimitor, e.g. set it to Other and use _ as delimitor.

After importing, a worksheet with many columns will show. Each column Extracted variable will show in column label area for you to distinguish different file.

You can also save your import settings in the import wizard to be a filter, and use this in the future to import similar data.

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.

Edited by - snowli on 06/12/2013 3:11:12 PM
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Posted - 06/13/2013 :  07:27:30 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks a lot for your attention.
First of all, I want to explain that my extension files is .csv, do you think it will be a problem?
I try to create a column, following the tutorial that you have suggested me, but the result was a column without values inside. Perhaps I have wrong to set the delimiter of the file name car the values that I would like to find in the column must be to take from the file name. E.g this is my path D:\PROVE\05-03-13\20130305_114352_TRACE1_SWEEP1.CSV, I'd like that the variable Time was 114352 (hh,mm,ss), how can I set this thing? When I arrive to "Import wizard - variable extraction by delimiter ", in my case the line is FN001 but the system suggests me H001, where is the difference among the two lines?
I hope you can help me,

bye Newton13
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1407 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2013 :  09:43:33 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

There is no problem using Import wizard to import csv files.

Here is what you can do:
1st page: after selecting csv files and set Import mode: Start New Columns, maybe you also need to set Import Filters for current Data Type to be <None> so we are not using any filter settings.

U selected multiple files. Origin will use 1 of them as guide to go through the wizard.

3rd page allows you to set main header and subheader of your csv file. Note: main header are rows that doesn't contain same structure as your data area. sub header are rows that can be used as column long name, units, etc. in imported data. There is a preview on this page, so you can set main header and subheader accordingly. If you don't have main header. U can set it to 0. If you have some subheader rows. U can set it. Then set the column short name, long name, units, comments etc. to them accordingly.
4th page: Variable extraction page: Check 1st checkbox. Also check Create User Parameter rows for each variable.
5th page: Variable Extraction by Delimiter page:
The top box shows what rows u can use to extract variable from. For your case, u want to extract from File name. So set Line to be FN04 (since this row shows file name without path and extension. It's easy to extract from here)
Set Delimiter to be Other. And enter _ in the next box.
Values dropdown list will list all values extracted by _ delimitor. U can choose 114352
Enter variable name to be Time
Click Add button.
--> The Time variable is extracted from file name.
6th page: Data Columns page. U need to set Delimitor to import columns. E.g. in csv, it may be ,
If u have quotes in csv file, u need to set Text Qualifier to be ". U can see the preview to see if expected columns.
Continue to final page. Save the filter if u want to.
Click Finish.
--> each new data should be put to new columns. And there should be a Time column label row with time info. extracted from each data file.

If it still doesn't work, maybe it's better you send two files to and we can generate a import filter and send back to you.

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.

Edited by - snowli on 06/13/2013 09:44:00 AM
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