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 query regarding stacked bar plot
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42 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2013 :  06:54:56 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:
I have 4 -5 sets of data from various instruments measuring the same quantity for one year. I want to show their variation in a single plot, although I can plot the line+scatter and other as well. I need one suggestion whether plotting them as stacked chart [see sample plot not actual one ] will have meaning or not.(

I want to keep my Y axis information as well, but when I am plotting as stacked plot, my Y axis information is lost and inspite it is giving the percentage of total.
Will it be good to plot as stacked or I should try another plot.



1407 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2013 :  10:11:20 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Gracy,

Could you double check if you plotted 100% Stacked Column by mistake?
In 9.1, we added 100% Stacked Column which will show the percentage of Y values.

If you plot with Stacked Column, it should not give percent values.

Thanks, Snow
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42 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2013 :  01:31:06 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Snow,
Yes I am aware of the stacked by percentage plot. In both the case my Y axis information was not coming. Please see here the actual plot, this one is not in percentage (
here I have four data sets of same quantity with maximum range of 0.67 and minimum range of 0.22 for all parameters. In this case my Y axis information is getting lost. These four quantities are all independent quantities and I want to report separately. I tried to plot this data in another package (although this plot is 3 D)
here I am getting the actual Y axis. Can I make such a plot in origin. Actually I want to over plot a line+scatter plot over this plot
I tried it in origin as well please have a look. , where the Y axis is having same information. I also want to reduce the width of the bars in this , but not getting the option for the same. And how can I remove the grids in the plot , and any idea whether I can overplot the line and scatter plot[ which will be 2D, having month(as X axis) and parameter value(as another axis)] to this or not.
Or should I try all these in line and scatter plot.
I am bit confused, can you please help
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1407 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2013 :  1:52:38 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Gracy,

So you don't want a stacked column/bar.

You can choose Plot: Column/Bar/Pie: Column to plot them in real Y axis.

Also, you can choose Plot: 3D XYY: XYY 3D Bars to plot it in 3D graph.

Thanks, Snow

Edited by - snowli on 11/07/2013 1:56:31 PM
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42 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2013 :  2:00:46 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Snow,
Thanks for your reply, is there any way we can overlap a line and scatter plot over this 3D plot
Else I will have to go for 2D plot only
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497 Posts

Posted - 11/08/2013 :  11:05:36 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi, Garcy

We are sorry that for now, there is not a straightforward way to add a overlapping in XYY 3D plots.

I'm afraid to implement this, we will have to use XYZ 3D plot.

To plot 3D bar graph like XYY:
1. First change your data structure like I did in the screenshot above (col(A)~col(C), with two extra Y column D&E for Label).
2. Highlight col(C) and select "Plot: 3D Symbol/Bar/Vector: 3D Bar".
3. Double click any axis to open Axis Dialog.
4. Go to "X Axis: Tick labels", change "Display: Type" be "Text form dataset" and "Dataset Name" be your X.label column. DO the same for Y axis. Click OK to close the dialog and apply the settings.
5. Double click any bar in the graph to open Plot Details dialog. In "Pattern" tab, set fill color be indexing/color-mapping by Col(A)

To add 3D line+symbol:
1. Type the points you want in XYZ columns (Col(F)~Col(H) in the screenshot)
2. Double click the layer icon in the upper-left corner of the graph window to open Layer Contents dialog.
3. Choose Col(H) in the left panel, set type to be 3D scatter (by the button in the center of the dialog, default to be "A", meaning <auto>), click "->" button, and then click OK.
4. Open Plot Details dialog, in the "Line" tab of the new added scatter plot ("original" node), set the connect line styles.

To add 3D Surface:
Type the surface data in new XYZ columns and similar to add scatter, in the above example, I use average.

To hide grid lines:
Open Axis Dialog, in "Grid" node for each axis, you can uncheck "Show" checkbox to hide them.
Or(If you use Origin9.1), in Plot Details dialog, Layer level in the left panel, "Planes" tab, you can uncheck "Grid Lines" separately for each plane.

Hope this would help.

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497 Posts

Posted - 11/08/2013 :  2:13:48 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi, Gracy

But if you don't care overlapping or not, you can add a XYY ribbon to the graph by Plot Setup dialog.

To change bars' width:
Open Plot Details dialog, go to "Outline" tab, change the settings there.

Here is the graph after I made some customizes.


Edited by - lkb0221 on 11/08/2013 2:15:30 PM
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