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 3D bar chart
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Posted - 12/17/2013 :  5:20:14 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver.9 and Service Release 2 (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: XP 32-bit


I am trying to plot a 3d bar chart with where the X and Y axis represent different particle and surfactant loading - so text values - and the Z axis represents the conductivity of the formulation.

When I plot this data the height of the bars is all over the place. Origin doesn't like when the Z column is not categoric and gives no blocks.

Has anyone any words of wisdom or advice please - I'm beat by this

A sample piece of data would be
0.02 Al 0.1 SDBS 5
0.1 Al 0.1 SDBS 15
1 Al " 7.5
5 Al " 0

0.02 Cu " 3
0.1 Cu " 2
1 Cu " 10
5 Cu " 7

0.02 CNT " 8
0.1 CNT " 1.5
1 CNT " 3.2

I have many more surfactants and levels of surfactant to plot, but this is a basic


497 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2013 :  10:36:55 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi, Peter

I'm a little confused about which part of your data is X, Y and Z.
Can you post a screenshot of your data worksheet?

In the meanwhile, the following is what I did according to my understanding:
1). Re-arrange your data sheet.
2). Use row number as X.
3). Highlight col(A)~col(D) and plot a 3D XYY bar. (Plot: 3D XYY: XYY 3D Bars)
4). Open axis dialog, go to "Tick Labels" node for X axis. Set "Display: Type" be "Text form dataset", and choose col(E) in "Dataset name"


Edited by - lkb0221 on 12/18/2013 10:38:38 AM
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1379 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2013 :  11:07:59 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Numerous problems with your data format conspire to make a 3D Bar plot extremely difficult. I'm not even sure what your data really looks like. A screen shot of your worksheet might make that clearer.

If I clean it up so it looks like the following (" removed):
0.02, Al, 0.1
0.1, Al, 0.1
1, Al, 7.5
5, Al, 0
-- --
0.02, Cu, 3
0.1, Cu, 2
1, Cu, 10
5, Cu, 7
-- --
0.02, CNT, 8
0.1, CNT, 1.5
1, CNT, 3.2
Then such data would plot easily as 3D Scatter. (Origin would automatically set column 2 as Categorical.)

But the non-linearity of your X data plus the categorical nature of your Y data makes any kind of 3D Bars problematic.
3D XYY bars would jam the 0.02 and 0.1 data close together and make remaining bars too skinny. Direct plot as 3D XYZ Bars has a similar problem.
Virtual Matrix and Gridding both reject this data which leaves the following workaround:
Set the A(X) column as Categorical (in addition to the B(Y) column). Now you can select the C(Z) column and choose Plot : 3D Symbol/Bar/Vector : 3D Bars. (You must have OpenGL enabled for this to work.)
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Posted - 12/18/2013 :  4:48:26 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Zheng & Greg,

Thanks for coming back to me on this so quickly

Apologies for the ambiguous data. I have managed to plot this in some way using a matrix, but getting all the data to line up in not trivial as you can see in the image

I have included some data that I have in a workbook. I hope this clarifies the data situation



Edited by - magicalmarshmallow on 12/18/2013 4:52:28 PM
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497 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2013 :  2:58:57 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi, Peter

Here is my solution:
Since your require a 15 by 17 3D bar chart, I created a corresponding matrix for plotting and use two worksheet column for axis labeling.

The matrix setting is as below (Marrix: Set Dimension/labels)

This is not easy since when your matrix grows, things might be messed up.
Our new product Origin9.1 support plotting from virtual matrix, which will solve your problem much easier. In 9.1, you can build a matrix in worksheet with labels as below and create 3D bar chart directly.

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497 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2013 :  3:25:17 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
In case you want to represent error bars on your plot too, here is the steps:
1). Create a similar matrix for error bar data. (in the same MBook, by clicking the yellow right triangle button on the right edge of the MBook window and select "Add")
2). Go to Plot Details dialog of your 3d bar graph, in error bar tab, check "Enable" and choose "Error Data" be Mat(2) (or the name of your error bar data matrix).
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10 Posts

Posted - 12/21/2013 :  06:55:32 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Brilliant Zheng, Thanks for your effort on this. Really appreciate it

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