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Posted - 06/24/2002 : 3:09:43 PM
This is based on version 6.0.
In "An Alternative Method for Creating an EPS File", it suggested that HP DesignJet 3500CP works fine. I did try in Win ME and Win XP. This printer driver (no matter using HP or Adobe Universal PostScript Printer driver) works fine for Landscape graph under WinME but not in WinXP. In WinME, simply follow the description as in alternative method. In WinXP, the output is shifted upwards. The workaround is to change the bounding box in eps file manually. Then use "clip" option in LaTex figure enviornment. If need to print this eps file to paper, need to change the offset of the printer. |
60 Posts |
Posted - 06/25/2002 : 11:37:49 AM
First, I would like to mention that the problems that forced many users to use "An Alternative Method for Creating an EPS File" were corrected in Origin version 6.1. In the publishing of the alternate method, OriginLab neglected to include the information that some EPS printer drivers did not support printing in the Landscape mode. Below is a reprint from the Origin 5 Users Manual explaining a workaround to this problem. This information was not included in the version 6 manual because it was thought an alternative method to create an EPS file would not be needed with the development of the new EPS output option.
Landscape vs. Portrait Orientation Many PostScript drivers have problems with the landscape page orientation. Because of this, we recommend selecting the Portrait radio button in the Page Setup dialog box. However, if you require a landscape page orientation, the page dimensions in the active graph window can be modified in the associated Page Control dialog box. To modify the page dimensions in the Page Control dialog box, perform the following: Select Format:Page. This menu command opens the Page Control dialog box. Reduce the value in the Height text box to create the landscape page dimensions. Because you will be inserting the EPS file into an application in the portrait orientation, calculate a height such that the page will have a standard landscape aspect ratio. For example, if the default Width text box value is 8.09 and the default Height text box value is 10.7, type 6.12 in the Height text box, which is (8.09/10.7)*8.09. Click OK to close the dialog box and implement the changes.
It seems that the driver used for the XP operating system does not work well in the Landscape mode. You must also remember that Origin creates a graph using the default Windows Printer. When you save the Origin project, the look of the graph is directly tied to the printer driver that was used at the time of creation. If at a later date you open the project and print to another printer, or export a graphics file of the plot, you can expect a shift to occur. This issue is discussed on the OriginLab on-line Knowledge Base: 381&VersionID=All&TitleID=Printing+a+graph+with+another+prin ter+instead+of+the+default+MS+windows+printer.&CatID=Importi ng/Exporting&TypeID=Limitation
Origin uses the characteristics of the current default Printer to create a graph. This includes information about printer's default fonts, unprintable margin area and graphic resolution. When Origin originally creates a graph it looks at the default printer resolution in both he X and Y-axis and determines the number of dots per inch that are needed to create a graph of the correct dimensions. Once the graph is generated, it consists of the correct total number of dots to have the graph a certain physical size. This is normal behavior in Windows. You may have noticed that if you create a Microsoft Word document and have one printer set as the default and then go to print the file to another printer, the pagination will usually change. This is due to the same factor.
Edited by - scottp on 06/25/2002 11:54:32 |
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