262 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2014 : 08:03:17 AM
Hi, Rmi Delville
Apparent Fit is only useful when you fit from a graph and change the plot axis type (from Linear to Log10, for example). If you check this option, the fitter will first transform raw data into new data space as specified in the graph axis type, and then fit the curve with the new data (then, fitting results will transform back to x-y space). Apparent fit is equivalent to direct fit if you first transform raw data on the worksheet.
If I understand you correctly, you would like to have the confidence bands suitable for log(x) & log(y) linear plot.
the confidence and prediction bands are calculated using the data log(x) & log(y), after the calculation, the results will transform back to (x,y) space but not Log(x)Log(y) space. If you would like to have the confidence bands suitable for X=log(x)&Y=log(y) plot, please do a Log calculation for them after the Apparent Fit.
Don't hesitate to contact us for further questions.
Best regards, Jason Zhao OriginLab Tech Service |
Edited by - jasonzhao on 06/11/2014 8:57:22 PM |