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 Generating differed types of plots
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Posted - 06/13/2014 :  10:30:06 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: win7
OriginPro 9.1


I have 2 questions that I hope someone can help me with:
1) I have some problems generating a XY-graph and a multi-curve stack graph when I run my script. I import several data files into one workbook - each data file in separate sheets. Then I want to plot data from all sheets on one graph. I can make my XY-graph work but when I try to generate a second graph - a multi-curve stack graph I get one graph per set of data. I want to plot them all on one multi-curve stack graph. But how?

2) How do I set the color on each individual curve in my two graphs and get the "layer.axis.label.timeFormat" to work?

I have made the following script:

dlgfile gr:=*.txt mu:=1; //select files to import
string file$;
%A = %H; //remember book

file$ = fname.GetToken(ii,CRLF)$; //find file

impasc fname:=file$ //import file
options.ImpMode:=4 //new sheet for each import
options.Names.FNameToBk:=0; //dont rename book
window -a %A;
wks.col2.type= 4; //set col(2) to X

wks.nCols = wks.nCols + 3; //Add 3 more columns
wks.col2.format = 3; //Time = 3
wks.col2.subformat = 3; //hh:mm:ss
wks.col14.format = 1; //Numeric = 1
wks.col15.format = 1; //Numeric = 1
wks.col16.format = 1; //Numeric = 1
wks.col14.subformat = 4; //Display as Decimal: 1,000
wks.col15.subformat = 4; //Display as Decimal: 1,000
wks.col16.subformat = 4; //Display as Decimal: 1,000
%A!wks.col14.label$= "delta NOx"; //Naming col14

range rWb = %A!;
%B =$;

plotxy [%A]%B!(2,14)
plot:=200 //plot as line
ogl:=[%K]1! //plot to the same graph layer 1
legend:=0 //don't plot the legend
color:=color(255,0,255); //define RGB color

plotstack [%A]%B!((2,3), (2,4))
// ogl:=[%K]1! // plot to the same graph layer 1
// layer.axis.label.timeFormat=3,3;

save %yMovia-vv



497 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2014 :  1:58:33 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi, Force

1). You want a multi-panel stacked graph or a multi-curve graph with offset?
You may want try to use this X-Function:

2). For example:
layer.x.label.type = 3; // Set X axis label display as Time
layer.x.label.timeFormat = 3; // Set label as the 3rd in the drag-down list, which is HH:mm:ss

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9 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2014 :  03:47:00 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Ikb0221,

Thank you for responding so fast. I would like to a plot stack graph with data from ex. 3 different worksheets (without specifying the name of each worksheet as they will change next time I run the script).

I have used the following:

plotstack [%A]%B!((2,3), (2,4))
layer.x.label.type = 3;
layer.x.label.timeFormat = 3;

It seems like I cant make the ogl:=[%K]1! work the same way as I can when I try plotxy (see below).

plotxy [%A]%B!(2,14)
layer.x.label.type = 3;
layer.x.label.timeFormat = 3;

Actually When I try to add both type of graphs in the same script suddenly the plotxy will not generate a single graph with data from the different worksheets. Instead a number of graphs are generated corresponding to the number of different worksheets. I will really appreciate if you or someone show me how to solve this.

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