I have two bar charts, each with its error bars. And I want to paste all the format from Graph1 to Graph2.
I've tried to use the All format option, and try to rescale the plot. But my problem did not solve. The error bars just went missing, while other features pasted just fine.
quote:Originally posted by Christyli
Would you please explain your problem a little further? Did you have two bar charts(for example, Graph1 and Graph2), each with its error bars? And now your want to paste format from Graph1 to Graph2?
I wonder when you copying the format from Graph1, did you choose Copy format: All? In this case, we recommend you to choose this option.
And you also mentioned that you saw the error bars line in the layer. It might happen because you didn't rescale your bar graph. You can click Graph: rescale to show all to try if it can solve the problem.