Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9.1 Pro 64-bit
Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit
I am trying to run the tutorial here: http://www.originlab.com/doc/Tutorials/Fitting-Ordinary-Differential-Equation
I copy pasted the code on that page into the code builder, and get the following error:
C:\Users\Renee\Documents\OriginLab\91\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlffitode.fit(41) :Error, Variable "struct user
double a;
}" not declared
C:\Users\Renee\Documents\OriginLab\91\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlffitode.fit(41) :Error, general compile error
C:\Users\Renee\Documents\OriginLab\91\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlffitode.fit(30) :Error, error(s) found in compiling function _nlsfFitOde
Compile Failed!
This is the entire code:
#pragma numlittype(push, TRUE)
#pragma numlittype(push, TRUE)
#pragma warning(error : 15618)
#include <origin.h>
// Add your special include files here.
// For example, if you want to fit with functions from the NAG library,
// add the header file for the NAG functions here.
// Add code here for other Origin C functions that you want to define in this file,
// and access in your fitting function.
// You can access C functions defined in other files, if those files are loaded and compiled
// in your workspace, and the functions have been prototyped in a header file that you have
// included above.
// You can access NLSF object methods and properties directly in your function code.
// You should follow C-language syntax in defining your function.
// For instance, if your parameter name is P1, you cannot use p1 in your function code.
// When using fractions, remember that integer division such as 1/2 is equal to 0, and not 0.5
// Use 0.5 or 1/2.0 to get the correct value.
// For more information and examples, please refer to the "User-Defined Fitting Function"
// section of the Origin Help file.
void _nlsfFitOde(
// Fit Parameter(s):
double a, double yo,
// Independent Variable(s):
double x,
// Dependent Variable(s):
double& y)
// Beginning of editable part
#include <oc_Nag8.h>
#include <ONLSF.H>
struct user // parameter in the ODE
double a;
//Define the differentiate equation: y'=a*y
static void NAG_CALL f(Integer neq, double t, double y[], double yp[], Nag_User *comm)
neq; //Number of ordinary differential equations
t; //Independent variable
y; //Dependent variables
yp; //First derivative
struct user *sp = (struct user *)(comm->p);
double a;
a = sp->a;
yp[0] = a*y[0];
//Use Runge-Kutta ODE23 to solve ODE
static bool nag_ode_fit( const double a, const double y0, const double tstart,
const double tend, const int nout, vector &vP )
//nout: Number of points to output
if( nout < 2 )
return false;
vP.SetSize( nout );
vP[0] = y0;
int neq = 1; //Number of ordinary differential equations
Nag_RK_method method;
double hstart, tgot, tinc;
double tol, twant;
int i, j;
vector thres(neq), ygot(neq), ymax(neq), ypgot(neq), ystart(neq);
Nag_ErrorAssess errass;
Nag_ODE_RK opt;
Nag_User comm;
struct user s;
s.a = a;
comm.p = (Pointer)&s;
ystart[0] = y0;
for (i=0; i<neq; i++)
thres[i] = 1.0e-8;
errass = Nag_ErrorAssess_off;
hstart = 0;
method = Nag_RK_2_3;
tinc = (tend-tstart)/(nout-1);
tol = 1.0e-3;
NagError nagErr1;
//Setup ODE
d02pvc(neq, tstart, ystart, tend, tol, thres, method,
Nag_RK_range, errass, hstart, &opt, &nagErr1);
if( nagErr1.code != NE_NOERROR )
return false;
for (j=1; j<nout; j++)
twant = tstart + j*tinc;
NagError nagErr2;
//Solve ODE
d02pcc(neq, f, twant, &tgot, ygot, ypgot, ymax, &opt, &comm, &nagErr2);
if( nagErr2.code != NE_NOERROR )
return false;
vP[j] = ygot[0];
//Free functions for Runge–Kutta suite
return true;
NLFitContext *pCtxt = Project.GetNLFitContext();
if ( pCtxt )
static vector vX, vY;
static int nSize;
BOOL bIsNewParamValues = pCtxt->IsNewParamValues();
// If parameters were updated, we will recalculate the ODE result.
if ( bIsNewParamValues )
//Initial and final values of the independent variable
double tstart = 0.02, tend = 2, tinc;
int nout = 100; //Number of points
tinc = (tend-tstart)/(nout-1);
vX.Data( tstart, tend, tinc );
nSize = vX.GetSize();
if( !nag_ode_fit( a, y0, tstart, tend, nout, vY) )
//Interpolate y from fitting data's x on the ODE result.
ocmath_interpolate( &x, &y, 1, vX, vY, nSize );
// End of editable part