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 Max points per curve problem
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Posted - 10/23/2014 :  4:20:05 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin 8, 8.5 & 9.1
Windows 7

I use the 'maximum points per curve' feature of speed mode (found in layer properties, or Graph>speed mode...>customize>) to balance the file size of exported graphs against the detail in the plot, my aim is usually to export the most number of points in a file (e.g. pdf, eps, etc.) for the amount of space I can afford to use.

This works perfectly for up to about 12% of the total number of data points in the image. If for example I open some time series data with 150,000 points, telling Origin to export a pdf with 18,849 data points produces a 239 KB file as expected.

The problem comes when you go past this threshold, adding one data point by exporting at a maximum of 18,850 points causes origin to output the entire data set, generating a 2,086 KB file.

Below the threshold everything works smoothly, above which Origin just exports the whole data set.

The same threshold seems to occur at a similar fraction of the total data set size in all files I have tested.

I have tried this on multiple machines using Origin 8.5 and 9.1 and with multiple data files, so there is probably no point in me attaching a sample file, just open any file and do a binary search with the maximum points function and you very quickly run into this threshold.

I must be doing something wrong.

Is there is there perhaps an obvious reason for this behavior that I've missed?

I realize carrying out a manual downsampling of all of the data sets is a possible work-around, it would just be too time consuming to do this for the number of files I have. A script would take too long to implement. I'm more interested in understanding why this arbitrary threshold exists, it is frustrating because I'm sure most people who use Origin regularly know the level of detail they like in a plot and there must be others who simply want to export all their figures at a pre-determined file size that they are comfortable working with, for example to meet a given total file size for a report, or to meet a given file size limit for their workplace email system etc etc.... it's a very general requirement.


1379 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2014 :  3:51:33 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
We cannot reproduce the problem using a line graph of 150000 rows of data. Note that file size will be somewhat influenced by the kind of data, the kind of plot, the physical page dimensions and whether Format : Page : [Miscellaneous] : "If speed mode is enabled ..." is checked.

You can use this information if you need to send a large file:
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