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 Displaying a second curve on a ternary graph
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Posted - 12/04/2014 :  10:33:23 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Hello good people :)

I am having some trouble with the ternary graph. I am using my professor's laptop to plot some data for him, 'cause as we all know professors are alergic to grunt work :) So I have everything set up just right, and there are 6 points with an X,Y and Z value. I plot the graph without a problem. Now, what I want to do is interpolate using the linear method, and then have the interpolated curve appear on the graph, and then fill in the space underneath it. I use Analysis->Mathematics->Interpolate/Extrapolate. In the dialog box I select the default 30 points and a range from 0 to 1 so that the curve is from end to end of the graph. Now, when I click OK, the interpolated values appear, and on the graph, in the legend "Interpolated value of H" appears showing a red line with a marker on top of it, but the line is nowhere to be found. Now, I checked in Plot Details context menu option, and everything seems fine, I can choose the style options for the curve, markers, and the pattern of the fill, however, whatever I do nothing gets displayed on the graph itself apart from the original 6 points. Can anyone help?

Hideo Fujii

1582 Posts

Posted - 12/08/2014 :  6:24:00 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

I think that after interpolation, you find a single Y(#) interpolated Y column (assuming your data has been normalized to [0,1]).

Although a ternary plot has Z axis, essentially 2D determined by X and Y solely, and Z can be computer as z=1-x-y. The interpolated shown Y column has implicit X column calculated by the interval and the initial values. So, you can construct the interpolated curve as follows:
1) Run Interpolation with Recalculation=None. (Or, you can set None, later)
2) Hightlight column D, choose "Column: Show X Column" menu
3) In the dialog, turn ON the "Clear Sampling Interval" check box, and click OK.
   ==> Column E(X2) appears at the left of col(D)
4) Add a new column F, and using Set Column Values tool, set the values by 
5) Designate column F as Z.
6) Highlight F(Z) column, click the right edge of the column, and drag-and-drop it on the ternary plot to add the interpolated curve.

Hope this works.

--Hideo Fujii

Edited by - Hideo Fujii on 12/08/2014 6:34:57 PM
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1398 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2014 :  10:16:07 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

I think you can also
1. Choose Analysis: Mathematics: XYZ Trace Interpolate.... Use Linear methods to create 30 interpolated values.
--> The interpolated points will be draw as scatter points too. So
2. Double click it to open the Plot Details dialog.
3. Make sure the interpolated plot is selected on the left panel.
4. Change the Plot Type (see bottom of the dialog) to Line.
5. Then check Fill Area Under Curve.
6. Pattern tab will show in the dialog. Go there to change Fill color.

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.
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