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 Doubt About Integration In Origin 8.5.1
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Posted - 12/07/2014 :  01:44:24 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
How does Origin perform integration when done in the 'Set Column Values' window?

To provide my specific example:
I have a simulated function, y = x^4*exp(x)/(exp(x)-1)^2. So I first made a column with x values and then I made a new column, B, and set column values as generated by the above mentioned function.

Now, I have a different column, T, with values from 1-300

(just in case: these are temperature values and I wish to estimate the specific heat curve such that for each temperature value T, the corresponding value must be the integral of the function y, up to the limit T.)

So I set the column values of Col(D):Specific Heat as Integral(Col(B)) and I am getting a curve which looks like a specific heat curve, but I am not sure how exactly the integration has been done and so I don't know if the values I have are correct.
Does the value of each row in Col(D) correspond to the integral of the whole of Col(B) up to the limit T,
or is it numerically integrating the values in Col(B) up to that particular row?

Please help me figure out!


288 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2014 :  04:32:08 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Suppose you have temperature data in column A and used y = x^4*exp(x)/(exp(x)-1)^2 formula to set column values in column B.

Now you want to integrate col(B) to certain temperature value T stored in column A, you can run following scripts:

range rr = [Book1]Sheet1!col(B);
integ1 iy:=rr; // X function integ1 is used to numerically
               // integrate col(B) from X beginning (default)
               // up to current X value 

You can refer to the link below to see what options funciton integ1 has and how to use them:

If you want to know the algorithm of this function, please refer to the link below:



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