Add the following 2 lines at the beginning of chiSqrSurf_ex1.c, after #include <Origin.h>:
#include <..\originlab\NLFitSession.h>
extern BOOL chiSqrSurf(const vector& vX, const vector& vY, const vector& vParams, double dXFrom, double dXTo, int nXNumSteps, double dYFrom, double dYTo, int nYNumSteps, string strFunc = "Poly", int nVaryParamX = 0, int nVaryParamY = 1);
妾+ 午旦 妹罕妾 妾伊 用仇 妾/ 岫ㄞ
妾京用 仍巨 件 侈 件戶' 甘岫平 /欠 白岫妹
併 艮 岫 奈 白 岫