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 Highlighting specific wavenumbers in waterfallplot
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Posted - 02/11/2015 :  10:37:38 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic

i try to make a waterfall plot (of several IR-spectra) in which specific wavenumbers are highlighted in the same style (for example different colour etc).

Is there an easy way to make such a plot?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:
OriginPro 9.1.0G (32bit) Sr2
Win7 Prof 32 bit


287 Posts

Posted - 02/12/2015 :  06:52:46 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

If I do not misunderstand your question, you want to use X column dataset (wavenumbers) as the colormap for the Waterfall graph, right?

If you create 3D waterfall,
1. Highlight the columns and click 3D Waterfall Y Color Mapping button to create a waterfall graph.

2. Double click on the top-right icon "1" to open the Layer Contents dialog. Highlight the rows in the right panel, and click Ungroup button. Then click OK.

3. Double click on the graph to open the Plot Details dialog.
Go the Pattern tab for the plots, and then set Border Color: Color Mapping: Col(A) (wavenumbers)

You need to set border color one by one curve.

4. Then you can set the color map for the specific wavenumbers in the Colormap tab.
To know more detail, please refer to this help page

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247 Posts

Posted - 02/13/2015 :  06:19:02 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
If your goal is to mark certain IR-active functional groups, then try this for Origin 9.1:

1) With the graph active, click the "Data Reader" button on the Tools toolbar. A small window will appear called "Data Info".
2) Move the Data Reader cursor over your peak of interest and single click. The Data Info will display the relevant wavenumber along with its intensity.
3) Switch to the "Arrow Tool" button and draw an arrow to that peak.
4) Use the Text Tool button to create a label for the peak.
5) You move the arrow and text label around as well as changing color, font size, etc). You change the angle of the arrow, click on one end of it and drag.

In Origin 2015, it is improved:
1) With the graph active, Click on the little arrow on the "Data Reader" button and change it to "Annotation".
2) Double click on your peak of interest. A line to the peak along with a text label will automatically be generated. (The tool can be a bit finicky).
3) You can drag the label to reposition it as well as modify the font color and size of the label. However, you can't change the line color.

If your goal is to add special Tick Labels on the axis rather that mark the peaks, you can use the Axis Dialog->Custom Tick Labels feature to add Special Ticks at certain wavenumbers but you can't change the color of the label with Waterfall plots in either version of Origin.

I hope this helps.

Edited by - cdrozdowski111 on 02/13/2015 06:22:55 AM
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8 Posts

Posted - 02/13/2015 :  08:51:14 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi and thank you for your replies.

I was able to solve my problem with your help easily. Thanks for the great support.

Best regards

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