Hi, there are multiple bugs when I try to export a graph as a pdf or eps. First, all settings regarding the picture size are completely ignored:
The picture size only correlates to the page size. However, even that seems to be buggy: A page is 16 cm x 12 cm - according roughly to 6 inch x 4.8inch. When I export this graph the picture size of the pdf/eps is only 6 cm x 4.8 cm. Therefore I assume that there is a mixing/confusing of cm/inch. Is there a easy fix for that? Can you reproduce this problem or is it dependent on windows settings?
best regards
EDIT: As soon as i change the windows settings from metric to US, the PDF size is 6x4.8 inch. Moreover size settings are now used when exporting. This bug should only appear on PCs with "metric"-Windows settings. Can I change this directly in Origin somewhere? (environment variables eg?)
EDIT2: Unfortunatly ony 1 out of 3 graphs were exported correctly. I have no idea, why it only worked in one case
I have the same problem, but I have never worked with Labtalk. Is there another way to solve that problem? And if not, where do I have to place the command: "page.info.system.export.auto=1" exactly?
Then copy the command page.info.system.export.auto=1
With cursor anywhere on that line, press Enter to execute it.
Thanks, Snow
quote:Originally posted by student_a
I have the same problem, but I have never worked with Labtalk. Is there another way to solve that problem? And if not, where do I have to place the command: "page.info.system.export.auto=1" exactly?