First create one plot: filling area with error bars and save it a graph template with name MYTEMPLATE.
Then create one graph first and add all the rest to it:
plotxy iy:=[Book1]Sheet1!(1,2,3) plot:=200 ogl:=[<new template:=MYTEMPLATE name:=MyGraph>]; // Create first plot with saved graph template
for (ii=2; ii<=48; ii++)
plotxy iy:=([Book1]Sheet1!1,[Book1]Sheet1!$(2*ii),[Book1]Sheet1!$(2*ii+1)) plot:=200 ogl:=[MyGraph]1!;
// Loop the rest of cols to plot into active graph page
Assuming the workbook named Book1 and sheet named Sheet1 and data is arranged as XYYErrYErrYErr...
Give it a try and see how it goes.
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