wks.ncols=100; w = wks.maxrows; int i; wcolwidth 4, 11; loop(i,1,$(w)) { y=col(1)[i+1]; String ter$(i)$ = col(2)[i+1]$;
if(col(1)[i]==col(1)[i+1]) { n=i; type "the numbers are same and the number is $(y) and the word is %(ter$(i))"; m=i+4; Col($(m))[n]$=ter$(i)$; } else type "the numbers are different;
I have some numbers in column 1 and column 2 contains some strings. I have collected the strings (String ter$(i)$ = col(2)[i+1]$) I wanted to use the type command and see the collected strings in the command window. The type command (type "the numbers are same and the number is $(y) and the word is %(ter$(i))";) does not output the strings collected. What is the mistake?