Can anyone please tell us if it is possible to call outside programs with origin to perform mathematical calculations(e.g. Mathematica)? If this is possible, how is this performed? Thank you very much LewisLab
If the outside program is capable of being a COM server (such as MATLAB, LabVIEW, MS Excel etc), then Origin C programming within Origin can connect Origin as a client to these outside programs acting as server and exchange data and send commands to them etc. In version 7.5, the MATLAB Console and LabVIEW Broswer tools available under the Tools menu work this way.
Also in Origin C, you can load external DLLs and access functions from them. Examples can be found under \Samples\Programming subfolder.
Origin 7.5 is also capable of being a COM server so that other client applications (such as Excel, MATLAB etc) can connect as clients to Origin server. Examples are under \Samples\Automation subfolder.