Hi guys, I want to change the label of one axis to percentage, like in excel, but didn't find where to do this. There are several numeric format provided, but none of them the percentage. Anybody knows?
Find the largest value (100%) in the dataset for the axis and divide that value by 100. Paste the result into the Divide by Factor box on the Tick Labels tab for that axis. If you like you can even use % as suffix for the tick labels.
...Anticipating your next question (How to find largest value?), right-click on the column and select Normalize (if it's there). The number in the dialog is the largest value so copy to clipboard with Control+C and then Cancel the Normalize dialog. Paste (Control+V) into Divide by Factor box and append /100.
It's even easier if you want percent of upper axis limit rather than largest data value. For X axis use the expression x2/100 as Divide by Factor. For Y axis use the expression y2/100.
Note: Divide by Factor only changes the values of the tick labels. It does not affect the data values.