Hi bedibra,
You can save your vertical profile plot as a template, then you can make the plot by plotm x-function.
Try the following snippet:
img2m -r 2; //Convert the image to data matrix
mname$=%H; //matrix name
plotm im:=[mname$]!1 plot:=220 ogl:=[<new template:=myVProfile>]; //Plot the matrix using the template
imageprofile; //Activate as a image profile
pname$=%H; //graph name
speedmode sm:=off; //turn off speed mode
page.active = 1; //activate the main layer
VLine.x=100; //position of 1st line
VLine1.x=150; //position of 2nd line
window -a Book1; //activate the worksheet
worksheet -s 1 1 1 1; //select a cell
insertGraph gname:=%(pname$) embed:=1; //embed the graph to the cell
--Hideo Fujii