Origin Ver. 8 (same on 8.5) and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System: Windows 10.
Dear All,
In my new computer (Dell Latitude) running Windows 10 Pro I have been facing problems on copy page and paste on Word. As you see in the image, the graph occupied 1/4 of the figure. I have tried both origin 8 and 8.5. I have also tried Word and libreoffice. I ran these softwares in other computers and never had a problem. It seems that my new computer is the reason. Do you guys have a clue on how to fix it? I have tried to change the margin, page size etc on the origin configuration. Nothing worked.
Hey guys, I was able to find the "problem". On "Screen configuration" Windows 10 has an option to "change the size of the text in the apps" (literal translation from portuguese). Mine was set up as 150%. By changing it to 100% i had my problem solved.