I have a general question regarding the possibilities to find kinetic data for enzymes which are located inside an E. coli cell. We are currently working in a group trying to find out the concentrations of enzymes of the main metabolic pathways for E.coli and find it really hard to seek out those concentrations or alternatively the total amount of certain enzymes in an average E.coli cell. Those Data are necessary in order to calculate a model with Copasi since we need both km and Vmax Values for the Michaelis-Menten Kinetics.
If you have any good hint or idea where these informations could be discovered, we would really appreciate that!
We really cannot tell where to go to find such information as we are not experts in your particular field. However, I am sure that there is much information in the literature.
Once you get additional information and have determined how you would like to analyze your data including which methods and formulae to use, we will be in a better position to help you.
I hope this helps.
Thanks, Chris Drozdowski Originlab Technical Support