I am looking for a simple tool to import txt files (ascii format) into different worksheets. Programming language must be labtalk - I only have origin 6.1
I also want to create after import some graphs - with templates.
Does some have such a tool to share, or where could I find such a tool. As I am not really familiar with Labtalk it would be easier for me. But changing some lines in the code - I think i can manage this!
I only found a tool for Origin 7.5 - wich is not compatible Thx Harald Cholewa
You can look in the Buttons subfolder of the Origin root folder and here you'll find a file called batch.ogs. This is a script file written in Labtalk and does the following:
1. Imports each file into a new worksheet 2. Plot all data in worksheet to a graph window 3. Perform Linear fit from Simplefit code in LR.OGS 4. Report Slope and Intercept values to Results log for each fit
P.S. You may want to consider upgrading - watch this multimedia to see what you're missing in Origin 7.5: Origin Upgrade Overview