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 Plotting 3D vectors
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Posted - 05/31/2005 :  5:14:59 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
I have 5 columns of data: x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and the corresponding Fx, Fy, and Fz components at each point. I would like to turn the 3 F components into one F vector, pointing in the direction of F, and scaling as the magnitude of F. Furthermore, I'd like to plot the vectors at their corresponding x-y points. Is this possible?

Basically, I want to create a matrix of 3-D vectors, instead of 1-D values.



28 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2005 :  3:00:01 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi AmyZ

Yes, this is very easy. There are probably several approaches and implementations. Try this one. Basically you have x,y and Fx,Fy,Fz and you want a vector with tail at x,y,0 and length and head that represents F. So just add your Fx, Fy, Fz components to x,y,0 with whatever you choose for appropriate scaling to produce another point at say X,Y,Z.

Arrange in worksheet with empty rows as shown below and plot these pairs of points as 3D-XYZ trajectory to get discrete vectors. You can go to Plot Details and remove drop-downs, add colors, different symbols and make adjustments as necessary.

In columns that are set as X, Y and Z

x, y, 0 tail, first vector
X, Y, Z head first vector
x, y, 0 tail, second vector
X, Y, Z head second vector


I have 5 columns of data: x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and the corresponding Fx, Fy, and Fz components at each point. I would like to turn the 3 F components into one F vector, pointing in the direction of F, and scaling as the magnitude of F. Furthermore, I'd like to plot the vectors at their corresponding x-y points. Is this possible?

Basically, I want to create a matrix of 3-D vectors, instead of 1-D values.


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Posted - 06/07/2005 :  3:11:06 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks Fred. Is it possible to somehow manipulate the symbols to point in the direction of the vector? Right now, it seems that any symbol I choose has a fixed direction, so my 3D plot doesn't reveal the direction of the vectors.

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Posted - 06/07/2005 :  4:05:09 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Amy,

Unfortunately in a 3D graph we can’t produce an arrow at the head of the vector. However, you can use the technique discussed in Knowledge Base item 687 “Creating a 3D Vector Plot” which simply associates a sphere shape at the head of the vector leaving the tail without a symbol. The viewer may imagine the vector to be a particle “moving along and leaving a trail”.
To see the Knowledge Base item just click on Support on our Web site and enter the title in the Keyword search window and click Search.

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