Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2019 (64-bit)
Operating System: Windows
Hey guys, I'm trying to plot the water content of different layers of a soil. Of each layer, i have the xyz coordinates and the water content. Plotting the sample positions is no problem, but is there a way to change the color of the points depending on the water content? Would be even better if it would be possible to interpolate the space between the points of each layer.
To map the scatter color to the water content column, you can
1. Double click on the 3D Scatter graph to open the Plot Details dialog. 2. Select “Original” branch on the left and set Color to water content column on the Symbol tab.
To interpolate 3D data, please try Analysis : Mathematics : 3D Interpolation. For details please refer to this page: