There is no "official" way but there is a hack that will work if you are willing to do it.
In the source for your labels you wish to offset, position the caret at the beginning of the text and hit CTRL+Enter to add a carriage return at the start of the text. This will push the label down.
It's rough but in the end it gets the job done!
I hope this helps.
Thanks, Chris Drozdowski Originlab Technical Support
Since my previous post, I have found a method (we actually have an animated gif of how to do it). Here is a link to the animated GIF (it can't be displayed in the forum.
Dear Chris, thank you very much for your helpful reply!
quote:Originally posted by Chris D Since my previous post, I have found a method (we actually have an animated gif of how to do it). Here is a link to the animated GIF (it can't be displayed in the forum.
The method shown in that GIF works well. However, I don‘t quite understand the idea behind „Show at Specified Indices Only“ = 2 Wouldn‘t that mean that only every second minor tick label is shown?
However, I have a usecase in which neighter the above described method nor the „hack“ mentioned in your first post seems to work: I have a box-plot in which I want to separate categories with a line (I chose to use settings in „Grids“). This only works when the bottom tick labels are not in the form of a table. In other words when „Tick Labels → Table“ is enabled, there is no tab for „Minor Tick Labels“.
I hope the following screenshots illustrate the issue:
I would be very grateful if you had an idea how I could solve this. Best regards