In Origin 7/7.5, the NAG numeric library has a special math function called nag_real_polygamma and also a nag_complex_polygamma. You can look those up and they can be accessed from Origin C, as well as from script in Origin 7.5 (the real_polygamma, go to script window and type list_nag_sf).
You can look up function details in the Programming help file under the topic: Origin C Langauge Reference->Global Functions->NAG Functions
I am trying to fit an expression in Origin Lab 8.0, however I got stuck. I am defining an equation as " s=a*((real_polygamma((0.5+(Bi/B)),1))-(real_polygamma((0.5+(Bt/B)),1))-(ln(t/ti)))" While compiling this equation i got the error that "function not found" Could you please help me out?