Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2020b (64-bit) (Academic) Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit
Why is FWHM now not shown in the basic Gauss fit output table? (Nonlinear Curve fit - Origin basic functions - Gauss) The output table looks as follows: Model Gauss Equation y=y0 + (A/(w*sqrt(pi/2)))*exp(-2*((x-xc)/w)^2) Plot C y0 -591.52717 ± 843.41201 xc 8.50701 ± 0.00413 w 0.19831 ± 0.01133 A 6723.85162 ± 493.53314 Reduced Chi-Sqr 2349627.00072 R-Square (COD) 0.98127 Adj. R-Square 0.97565
But in the "derived parameters" of the function we have: sigma = w/2; // sigma. FWHM = sqrt(2*ln(2)) * w; // Full Width at Half Maximum. Height = A/(w*sqrt(pi/2)); // Height of the Peak.
Instead of these parameters (sigma, FWHM and Height):
You can right-click on the table on the graph and choose "Quantities in Table" to open a dialog that lets you change the order of items displayed in the table as well as which quantities are displayed.
If you click the little right-pointing button in the dialog, you can select more quantities to display.
Thanks, Chris Drozdowski Originlab Technical Support