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 Creating Histogramms with different bar sizes
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Posted - 11/13/2021 :  2:38:57 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic

I am having a little issue creating a histogramm:
I have two data sets: A set of ranges (like 0-30; 30-50; etc.) and one with corresponding percentages (like 10% in range A, 20% in range B etc.).
The size of the bars in the histogramm has to correspond to the size of the range (so the 0-30 range should be 30, the 30-50 range 20 wide).
Could someone explain to me how one would achieve that? Or point me to a fitting video or something like that? I am in fact having trouble on getting the programm to display any sort of sensible histogram, so the more basic the better:D
I am fairly unfamiliar with statistics programs sadly.


1407 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2021 :  3:09:02 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Here is a blog of how to do it

But since u already get the histogram result, u can skip the beginning part. Start from the part that plot graph.

U can create a worksheet with 3 columns.
In 1st column A(X), enter 15, 40, etc. the center of each bin, (since 15 is center from 0-30, 40 is center from 30-50, ....)

Enter percentage values in 2nd column

In 3rd column enter e.g. 30, 20, ... the width of each bin.

Then plot a regular column graph with column B.
Set X axis to be from 0 to the total of all bin width
Then double click plot to open Plot Details. Go to spacing tab to set width to 3rc column and set scaling factor to 0.
Also set Gap between bars to 0.

Thanks, Snow
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2 Posts

Posted - 11/18/2021 :  08:00:39 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by snowli

Here is a blog of how to do it

But since u already get the histogram result, u can skip the beginning part. Start from the part that plot graph.

U can create a worksheet with 3 columns.
In 1st column A(X), enter 15, 40, etc. the center of each bin, (since 15 is center from 0-30, 40 is center from 30-50, ....)

Enter percentage values in 2nd column

In 3rd column enter e.g. 30, 20, ... the width of each bin.

Then plot a regular column graph with column B.
Set X axis to be from 0 to the total of all bin width
Then double click plot to open Plot Details. Go to spacing tab to set width to 3rc column and set scaling factor to 0.
Also set Gap between bars to 0.

Thanks, Snow

Thank you very much!
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