Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2021 Operating System: Win 11
Whenever I try to plot a graph from a worksheet, the displayed graph always has an X-axis count which starts at a value lower the lowest value of the X column in the table and ends at a value higher than the highest value of the X column in the table. Is there a way to change the default option such that both the axis are a tight fit and have values in the same range as in the data column?
To set your plot axes to the min and max of your data you need to set the Rescale Margin(%) to 0. This option is found in the axis dialog under the Scale tab. Apply to both the X and Y axes, hit “OK” and then hit “Rescale” (Ctrl+R). The plot should display axes ranges matching the min and max of the data.
To set the Rescale Margin(%) to be 0 for all future plots of any type you can set a system wide graph theme. I have provided a Theme file for you to add to Origin. Simply drag and drop this file into your Origin software. Then, go to Preferences>Theme Organizer. Right click on the theme file named Rescale_0 > Set as System Theme. All future plots of any type will have axes ranges matching the min and max of the data. https://my.originlab.com/ftp/forum_and_kbase/Images/Rescale_0.oth
If you only want to have this setting for a single type of plot you can create a plot with the Rescale Margin(%) set to 0. Then you can go to File>Save Template As and hit Ok without renaming the template. This will replace the system template for that type of plot with your new settings. To reset to default, you can go into your User Files Folder and delete that template.