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1205 Posts |
Posted - 07/14/2022 : 09:37:30 AM
OriginPro 2022b (64-bit) SR1 Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64
I need to transfer masks from multiple columns to another worksheet.
Is there a neat way of doing this?
Thank you.
--- Andrey |
1411 Posts |
Posted - 07/14/2022 : 10:09:56 AM
Hi Andrey,
Do you mean copy mask locations only, not data. We don't support it.
One workaround is first copy paste data with mask to the new sheet. mask will be copied as well. Then copy the expected data (without mask) there. The mask will be kept.
Thanks, Snow
1205 Posts |
Posted - 07/14/2022 : 12:35:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by snowli
Hi Andrey,
Do you mean copy mask locations only, not data. We don't support it.
One workaround is first copy paste data with mask to the new sheet. mask will be copied as well. Then copy the expected data (without mask) there. The mask will be kept.
Thanks, Snow
Got it. Thanks.
Can I transfer masks using LT?
--- Andrey |
1411 Posts |
1205 Posts |
Posted - 07/14/2022 : 3:35:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by snowli
I don't fully understand how u want to transfer mask. Maybe u can send a sample opju.
To mask with Labtalk, u can refer to mark command.
Thanks, Snow
Dear Snow,
What I need is very simple. I have a sheet with masked cells. I want to mask the same locations on the other sheet.
Mark command is the right command. However: how can I get a range of the masked cells and store it to a range variable (to pass it to mark command on the next step)?
--- Andrey |
1411 Posts |
Posted - 07/14/2022 : 4:02:54 PM
I need to check with our developer if we can add it.ORG-25496
For now, i tried this works colcopy irng:=[Book1]Sheet1!1:5 orng:=[Book2]Sheet1!1:5 mask:=1; //it will copy data from book1 to book2 including mask status undo; //it undo the copy but mask is left
Thanks, Snow |
1205 Posts |
Posted - 07/15/2022 : 01:32:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by snowli
I need to check with our developer if we can add it.ORG-25496
For now, i tried this works colcopy irng:=[Book1]Sheet1!1:5 orng:=[Book2]Sheet1!1:5 mask:=1; //it will copy data from book1 to book2 including mask status undo; //it undo the copy but mask is left
Thanks, Snow
Dear Snow,
Great trick! This works perfectly for static data.
However if the target cells/columns contain formulas or operations/XFs the trick probably won't work.
--- Andrey |
351 Posts |
Posted - 04/09/2024 : 03:41:58 AM
Hi Andrey,
In Origin 2024b Beta2 build, we added a "Copy Mask Status" menu and LT mark command like
//syntax: mark -ss/sl [file] [range];
range r1=[book1]1!, r2=[book2]1!;
mark -ss "C:\test\abc.dat" r1; //save
mark -sl "C:\test\abc.dat" r2; //load
Would you mind to take a try when have time? |
1205 Posts |
Posted - 04/09/2024 : 10:20:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by minimax
Hi Andrey,
In Origin 2024b Beta2 build, we added a "Copy Mask Status" menu and LT mark command like
//syntax: mark -ss/sl [file] [range];
range r1=[book1]1!, r2=[book2]1!;
mark -ss "C:\test\abc.dat" r1; //save
mark -sl "C:\test\abc.dat" r2; //load
Would you mind to take a try when have time?
Great news!
I will test during this week.
--- Andrey |
1205 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2024 : 09:18:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by minimax
Hi Andrey,
In Origin 2024b Beta2 build, we added a "Copy Mask Status" menu and LT mark command like
//syntax: mark -ss/sl [file] [range];
range r1=[book1]1!, r2=[book2]1!;
mark -ss "C:\test\abc.dat" r1; //save
mark -sl "C:\test\abc.dat" r2; //load
Would you mind to take a try when have time?
GUI's "Copy Mask Status" menu works like a charm!
As for LT command: can you explain the syntax of -ss and -sl switches, please? As I see ss stores the range's masks to a text file, while sl loads the masks from the text file and applies it to the specified range. Right? Is this possible to do via Windows clipboard, that is without an intermediate text file?
--- Andrey |
Edited by - AKazak on 04/11/2024 09:19:16 AM |
351 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2024 : 01:29:00 AM
Hi Andrey,
Your understanding on -ss and -sl switches is correct.
If you do not care about file, you may simply run script like
win -a Book1;
mark -ss; //a file in OS temp folder will be created
win -a Book2;
mark -sl; //use above file directly
Both the file and range arguments are optional and you can omit it.
But if you even do not want to keep a temp file, you can try using menu -e command, like
range r1=[Book1]1!, r2=[Book2]1!;
layer -o r1 { work -s 0 0 0 0; menu -e 39434; } // 39434 is menu id for Copy Mask Status
layer -o r2 { work -s 0 0 0 0; menu -e 57637; } // 57637 is menu id for Paste
But menu -e is kind of dpepending on OS active window's execution, we suggest "mark -ss;" should be better.
1205 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2024 : 04:49:37 AM
Got it. Well done!
Off-topic: do we have a complete list of command abbreviations, like "work" stands to "worksheet"?
--- Andrey |
351 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2024 : 05:11:07 AM
quote: Off-topic: do we have a complete list of command abbreviations, like "work" stands to "worksheet"?
All Labtalk command can use abbreviation in general.
I do not search all doc page yet, following page mentions it.
Commands can be abbreviated as long as it's unique. Both the following work. |
1411 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2024 : 5:08:11 PM
Hi Andrey,
We added Copy Mask Status context menu in Origin 2024b. Highlight column(s), right click and choose Copy > Copy Mask Status. Then go to your destination worksheet select the starting column header to paste.
This is also supported in Copy Columns to xfunction. U can uncheck Copy Data and check Copy Mask to only copy mask positions.
Thanks, Snow
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