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 ANOVA or t-test - repeated mesauremen
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Posted - 05/28/2024 :  11:06:19 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic

I am struggling to do an ANOVA and t-student tests in OriginPro. I attach the example of the data below to make it much easier to follow.

So, let's say that I run an experiment where I treated some plants with a toxin. This affects the size of the fruits. I have my control, and nine concentrations tested. I measured three different fruits from each of the plant (every plant was in contact with different concentration of the toxin).

I want to compare if a mean of each of the measurements is significantly different from the control.

I think that I should run a t-student test and just run it multiple times. Or simply go with ANOVA, but limit it to check the means only to control. And I am lost. I am struggling to go through the dialog box. If I go with t-student I would like to have all the results in one graph, rather than having multiple graphs where each of mean is tested with the control.

What I need in the end, is a plot with columns, and brackets with asterisks that would symbolise significant differences.

Could anyone please help me with this?


Edited by - T_Swebocki on 05/28/2024 11:06:40 AM


1630 Posts

Posted - 05/28/2024 :  1:58:03 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Since you have balanced dataset (equal sample size), you might want to use the Two-Sample t-Test on rows tool in Origin to run t-Test in one run. Please watch the attached video on how the data is organized.

To add brackets with asterisks on top of plots, you will have to do it manually with the Add Asterisk Bracket toolbar.

I've attached the project file here.

By the way, this is a very good example of using Two-Sample t-Test on rows tool, do you mind if we use your data to create a sample project to showcase this tool in the software?

Thank you

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Posted - 05/28/2024 :  2:45:08 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi James,

Sure, no problem! You can use the data.

Thanks for reply, now it is clear to me!

By the way - can we also use it column-wise (if data was presented in columns, rather than rows)?

EDIT: Apologies, now I can see the video!

Edited by - T_Swebocki on 05/28/2024 2:48:38 PM
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1630 Posts

Posted - 05/28/2024 :  4:03:26 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thank you for sharing the data!

It is not possible to perform multiple t-tests in one run for column-wise data. You have to manually choose two columns, and select the Two Sample t-test tool. One place to save some time is to choose <last used> after using the tool once.


Originally posted by T_Swebocki

Hi James,

Sure, no problem! You can use the data.

Thanks for reply, now it is clear to me!

By the way - can we also use it column-wise (if data was presented in columns, rather than rows)?

EDIT: Apologies, now I can see the video!
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