Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2022b (64-bit) SR1
Operating System: Windows 11
Hi all,
I have been encountering an issue with origin that I cannot solve it.
I have the following graph that I want to export:
However, when I export the following image is showing:
I have tried creating a new file but the problem continues. My colleague tried in his computer and also shows that, but when he creates a new file, it gets fixed. Is it an file configuration ? Or the origin export settings are messed up?
Hello, It sounds like the issue is specific to this graph. Could you share the opju file.
It looks you are using File: Export Graph(Advanced). Which image type are you exporting? Usually the export settings is saved in graph window. So when you export again, Dialog theme says <Graph>. Maybe you can click > button there to load System Default theme. Then modify export settings to see if the issue will be fixed.