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 Multiple graphs (one x, many y each) in grid
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Posted - 02/17/2025 :  10:48:02 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2024 (64-bit) SR1
Operating System: Windows Home 11

I am new to OriginPro but I've used MATLAB for decades for plotting. I have what I would think is a simple graphic design, but I am unable to get it to work in OriginPro.

What I am looking for is 3 by 3 grid of individual axes (plots, graphs, whatever name you like) with multiple lines in each axis, and a single legend for all plots. In MATLAB, I can create this with a tiled layout, repeating one line of code for each plot, and then one line of code for the legend. (What I cannot get MATLAB to do is a broken y axis does not look like crap.) Given I have multiple data sets with the same organization of the data, I don't want to do this manually. If there was some data organization that would deal with this, I could live with that. (I have tried using Labels, Groups, and Subject plot designations without success.)

Is this even doable in Origin?

Dave W


1400 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2025 :  01:01:33 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Do you mean you have e.g. 1 X data with 9 Y data columns and want to plot into a 3x3 panel with one plot in each panel? Then wants a combined legend?

You can highlight all data if they are in same sheet, then choose Plot -> Multi-Panel, Multi-Axis -> 9 Panel to plot it.

Then to combine all legend into one,
Right click any of the legend e.g. the legend in 1st panel, choose Legend -> Update Legend... context menu.
In the Update Data Plots Legend dialog,
Set Update Mode: Reconstruct.
Set Legend: One Legend for Whole Page.
Click OK.

All legend will be combined together in one box.

You can click to select the legend box, hold Ctrl+drag to rearrange the legend to multiple column layout.

Let me know if this is what you are looking for. If not, could you share or clarify how your data is arranged and what you want to achieve.

Thanks, Snow
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Posted - 02/18/2025 :  4:41:56 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks for the quick response. I will look at the resources you pointed out.

However, to answer your first question, I have 1 X data column and 27 Y data columns. In each of the plots, there will be 3 lines (and the three lines share the same y axis). The 27 Y data columns are really 9 sets of 3 columns.

(Being fully forthcoming, only 5 of the panels will have a plot in them. That is, I have 5 sets of 3 Y columns. The plan is to put the legend can be in one or more empty panels of the grid. You did a great job of explaining how to get one legend.)

Dave W
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1400 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2025 :  5:36:18 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
When using built-in's 9 panel graph template to plot data, Origin assigns plots to 9 panels in order, e.g. Col B to panel 1, C to panel 2, ... and J to panel 9. and then repeat it for next 9 data, and so on. If will be cubersome if you have each set next to each other.

If you really wants B, C and D into panel 1, E,F, G into panel 2, .... please set some unique name in long name, or comments for each column. E.g. set long names of B, C, D columns as g1, set long names of E, F, G as g2, etc. ...
Then highlight all data, choose Plot: Multi-Panel, Multi-Axis: Multi Panel by Label...
In the dialog, set Group By: Long Name.
Set plot type and click OK.
All plots with same long name will be put to one panel so u will get a 3x3 panel graph with same set in same panel.

Reconstruct the legend to one box as mentioned in previous reply.
Then right click legend and choose Properties to remove repeated legends e.g. as below so only 1st plot in each panel show in the legend
\l(1.1) %(1.1)\l(2.1) %(2.1)\l(3.1) %(3.1)
\l(4.1) %(4.1)\l(5.1) %(5.1)\l(6.1) %(6.1)
\l(7.1) %(7.1)\l(8.1) %(8.1)\l(9.1) %(9.1)

Choose Format: Page...
Go to Legends/Titles tab.
Set Legend Update Mode: None. //this way, when creating such graph in the future, legend will not change.

When everything set, with graph active, choose File: Save Template as...
Give this template a name.
Expand Advance Options. Check Mark as Cloneable Template.
This way you saved a graph template for future worksheets with same structure.

Now if you have new worksheet with same 1X + 27 Ys, (better each set has unique name, but if not it doesn't matter.
You don't even need to highlight data, just choose Plot: User Templates: and pick your template since we saved it as cloneable graph template.

The graph will be made with same customization in graph.

Let me know if this works.

You can watch to get an idea of cloneable graph template.

Thanks, Snow
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