I'm trying out the demo version of Origin to see if it would be a good fit for our company.
When putting two graphs together on a page, is there a way of making the size of the 'boxes' (made by the major/minor lines) equal in both graphs so they will line up?
The graphs are not of the same overall size (one is square and squat, the other tall and rectangular), but their scales match. When they are placed right up against one another, the horizontal lines should meet up with one another and the size of the boxes match.
I realize that you can manually resize each graph and fuss with it that way to get them to look about right, but is there a more accurate way of doing this?
quote:The graphs are not of the same overall size (one is square and squat, the other tall and rectangular), but their scales match. When they are placed right up against one another, the horizontal lines should meet up with one another and the size of the boxes match.
Your description is not clear to me so please post a screen shot of the page. Use the forum editor's Insert Image button (outlined in red below) to upload an image file. So far all I can say is that a layer can be sized and positioned exactly using the Size/Speed tab of the Properties dialog (Format> Layer). (Those properties are programmatically accessible with LabTalk's layer object.) You can also try the Layer Tools from OriginLab's File Exchange.