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 white space around eps
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Posted - 08/18/2009 :  7:50:45 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): V8 SR6
Operating System: WinXP SP3


I'm trying to export a diagramm as eps file. But whatever option I use there is always a small space of white around the eps. I can remove that in an other programm by hand. But is there a way to export the diagramm so that the diagramm fits exactly in the eps without any border?




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Posted - 08/20/2009 :  10:38:15 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Tagge,

I presume you are using the expGraph that dialog, under Export Settings, did you set the drop-down to Tight or "Tight in Page"?

That would clip the white space to the objects at the boundaries of the page. Tight in Page would ignore objects that may be located outside the page area, such as misplaced text labels for example.

That said, even if you use Tight or Tight in page, text objects such as axes titles have a bounding box that defines their size, and so there still may be a very small white space such as below and to the left of the axes this what you are referring to?

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Posted - 08/20/2009 :  6:01:57 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

thanks for your answer. That's exactly my problem. And I tried tight and tight in page and there is still a white space around, exactly like you said. So am I right that this is perfectly normal?

Well I found an another way to do it. I just have to remove the stuff I don't need in Adobe Illustrator. That's maybe not the perfect way but it works for me.


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