I startet programming with Labtalk and I want to write a short script which exports the final fit parameter values to a new Sheet. As I use a batch script to fit multiple Workbooks, the results for each workbook should be copied into a new row. How do I start this script? And how do I add a variable from the data worksheet to the one withe the fittung results?
As you have version 8.1, batch processing is a feature in this version, where multiple datasets or files can be processed without having to write code, creating a summary report. So you may want to look at that feature to decide if still need to do programming for your needs. You can watch this movie to review the feature: http://originlab.com/index.aspx?s=9&lm=407&pid=1559
If you need to continue scripting your batch processing: Are the results from each fit in a report sheet (the default report sheets with collapsible tables that is created say when you use NLFit tool)? If yes, you can read the report sheet into a tree and then extract the desired values using the getnlr X-Function: http://wiki.originlab.com/~originla/wiki2/index.php?title=X-Function:Getnlr