I am trying to use Originlab 8.1 to calculate concentration of pge-2 in my media samples using 4 parameter logistic fit. Can anyone help me step by step to make a std curve and then calculate pge-2 conc from that curve?
If you want to know about fitting to logistic equation and then using standard curve to get x/y values for y/x values, do the following: Go to File menu in your Origin 8.1/8.5 and use the Recent Books menu to open the Analysis Template named Assays.ogw That template is located in the \Templates\Analysis subfolder.
That template has further instructions on how to use it. Please e-mail tech support if you need further help.
I mean exactly what you said. Could you please send me an example where such protocol is used. I tried to open and use template but the instructions are not clear there.
The first sheet in the workbook, Note, just contains an embedded Notes window with a list of instructions.
The second sheet, Raw Data, is where you want to go. Click the "Config" button at the top of the sheet. In the dialog that opens specify both the format of the data and the Function (as Logistic). Import your data into this sheet. The import of the data will trigger the analysis to run. View the other sheets for the results.