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 Plot Details for individual data points
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Posted - 08/08/2013 :  2:24:07 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5.0 SR1
Operating System: Windows 8


I have a set of data with x and y error bars, and I want to plot only a few data points from the column in a couple different plots. The only way I have found to do this is to either create duplicate worksheets (not good because I don't want to worry about updating multiple worksheets with data), or to highlight just a few data points and click Plot->XY Error.

The problem with this is that in order to add the error bars (specified in the worksheet as well), I have to drag the whole column onto the plot, which adds error bars for all the points, including the ones that are not plotted. I can hide these by individually selecting them and double clicking, and then unchecking the box on the left in "Plot details". This is incredible cumbersome for multiple data points on multiple plots. If I select the whole data set, there is no "plus" option to show the individual error bars for each point.

My questions are:
1) is there an easy way to only plot just a few data points (including the corresponding XY error)?
2) is there any way to show all the points (or error bars, etc.) that are contained within a data set in the "Plot details" window, so I don't have to individually double click each point to hide it?

Thanks in advance!


7 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2013 :  12:47:38 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Bump. Anybody have any ideas?
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1379 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2013 :  4:45:56 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I am not sure I completely follow you, but do you mean you have X and Y and YErr columns (set as yEr±)? If so then you can just select the rows you need and plot or select the rows you need and go to a graph window and choose Graph : Add Plot to Layer : and pick the graph style you want.

Question (2) sounds like you may not know about an Origin Range. If you double-click on the Layer1 icon in the upper left of your graph, you will open the Layer Contents dialog. If 'Range' is not shown in the row Header in the list on the right, right-click on "Short Name" or "Long Name" and select 'Range' in the list.
When you select your data of interest, you will see a button appear in the Range cell. Click it to open the Range editor. The full size of your data is shown in Min and Max which is what gets displayed when Auto is used, but you can uncheck Auto and set any sub-range you like.
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Posted - 08/15/2013 :  4:52:47 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks for the reply, Greg. The range option certainly helps. I only see it down in the bottom section labeled 'Plot List', but I can select the columns that I want to include there.

My data is in four columns: Y, X, xEr+-, and yEr+-

To plot it, I have been plotting the Y column as an 'XY error' graph, and then dragging the xEr and yEr columns onto the resulting graph. Obviously, this results in a plot of every data point, but I suppose now I can just go into the Plot Setup dialog and select the range. I still have to do this for all three data sets (Y, xEr, and yEr), but these three steps are certainly easier than doing it all manually like I was doing before.
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7 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2013 :  4:58:07 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Oh, I also just discovered that I can highlight only the values that I want from the plot, (Y, yEr, and xEr columns), and then plot as XY Error to get the plot I wanted. This is the easiest way.

For some reason, this would reverse the values of the error bars if I had the columns in the order (Y, xEr, yEr). I had to move the columns such that the data was in the order (Y, yEr, xEr) in order to plot correctly.

Thanks again for your help.
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