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 Reset range with 2 GetN_XYRange in box
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Posted - 07/20/2015 :  3:12:55 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2015 sr2
Operating System:Windows

Hi, I currently have a GetN box with 2 GETN_XYRANGE commands, as the user needs to select two separate, specific peaks on the graph. Currently, when selecting the range for the second GETN_XYRANGE instance, the range from the first GETN_XYRANGE is included. I would like the equivalent of the "Reset" or "Reselect all data from graph" options from the side arrows in the dialog to be automatically used.

I have included a screenshot of part of my GETN box to show what I mean. Notice that the top range is repeated in the lower range, followed by the real second peak [1321:1354].

My code currently works, as long as the user doesn't hit reselect all or reset, as my code specifically grabs range 2 of the 2nd GETN_XYRANGE instance. Another possible solution is a way to simply grab the last range selected from GETN_XYRANGE, although this is slightly less desirable than resetting the ranges. This method would essentially grab the highest number, where if three selections are made, Range3 would be selected, or if the user resets the box, and then makes only a single selection, Range1 would be selected.

Here is the relevant portion of code:
#include <Origin.h>
#include <..\OriginLab\theme_utils.h>
#include <GetNBox.h>
#include <..\originlab\nlsf_utils.h>
#include <..\originlab\NLFitSession.h>

void test()
GETN_XYRANGE(Substrate,"Select Substrate Peak",1,"0")
GETN_XYRANGE(Film, "Select Film Peak", 1, "0")
vector yData, xData, subyData,subxData;
XYRange subdr;
xy_range_from_GetN_data_node(gettr.Substrate.Range1, subdr);
XYRange dr;
xy_range_from_GetN_data_node(gettr.Film.Range2, dr);
dr.GetData(yData, xData);


288 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2015 :  02:03:42 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

We have confirmed that this is a bug that you mentioned that second hunt button will hunt extra data subrange.

I have created a JIRA ORG-13351 in our problem tracking base for it.



OriginLab Tech. Service
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343 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2015 :  09:39:37 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by michaelbraun

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2015 sr2
Operating System:Windows

Hi, I currently have a GetN box with 2 GETN_XYRANGE commands, as the user needs to select two separate, specific peaks on the graph. Currently, when selecting the range for the second GETN_XYRANGE instance, the range from the first GETN_XYRANGE is included. I would like the equivalent of the "Reset" or "Reselect all data from graph" options from the side arrows in the dialog to be automatically used.

I have included a screenshot of part of my GETN box to show what I mean. Notice that the top range is repeated in the lower range, followed by the real second peak [1321:1354].

My code currently works, as long as the user doesn't hit reselect all or reset, as my code specifically grabs range 2 of the 2nd GETN_XYRANGE instance. Another possible solution is a way to simply grab the last range selected from GETN_XYRANGE, although this is slightly less desirable than resetting the ranges. This method would essentially grab the highest number, where if three selections are made, Range3 would be selected, or if the user resets the box, and then makes only a single selection, Range1 would be selected.

Here is the relevant portion of code:
#include <Origin.h>
#include <..\OriginLab\theme_utils.h>
#include <GetNBox.h>
#include <..\originlab\nlsf_utils.h>
#include <..\originlab\NLFitSession.h>

void test()
GETN_XYRANGE(Substrate,"Select Substrate Peak",1,"0")
GETN_XYRANGE(Film, "Select Film Peak", 1, "0")
vector yData, xData, subyData,subxData;
XYRange subdr;
xy_range_from_GetN_data_node(gettr.Substrate.Range1, subdr);
XYRange dr;
xy_range_from_GetN_data_node(gettr.Film.Range2, dr);
dr.GetData(yData, xData);

You can disable multiple XYRanges by ICOPT_RESTRICT_TO_ONE_DATA. For example:

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21 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2015 :  10:36:12 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Castiel
You can disable multiple XYRanges by ICOPT_RESTRICT_TO_ONE_DATA. For example:

This technically works, but is not immediately obvious for the user as you have to click and drag the original bounds from the first GETN_XYRANGE to the second peak. Ideally when selecting from the second GETN_XYRANGE the graph selection would be identical to the first one (ie no red lines already on graph, and having the dragable box selector).
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343 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2015 :  11:00:19 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by michaelbraun

Originally posted by Castiel
You can disable multiple XYRanges by ICOPT_RESTRICT_TO_ONE_DATA. For example:

This technically works, but is not immediately obvious for the user as you have to click and drag the original bounds from the first GETN_XYRANGE to the second peak. Ideally when selecting from the second GETN_XYRANGE the graph selection would be identical to the first one (ie no red lines already on graph, and having the dragable box selector).

Well, it's been a bug confirmed....

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21 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2015 :  11:15:12 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Indeed, thank you both for your help!
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