I want to create a graph where above my main data I want to display a second curve, which indicates how my sample was stimulated (same x axis, different y axis). I want this curve to be considerably smaller than the main curve, so I went to the Layer Properties Window and under the Size/Speed tab I set the height to about 20%. But when I do this, the y axis gets shrunk as well resulting in really tiny labels and ticks. I can manually increase the font size and the size of the ticks and so on to match the y axis of the curve in the other layer, but it's a lot of trial and error and eyeballing. Is there a way where I can just shrink the plot and the length of the y axis but keep the y axis labels and ticks at the same size?
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 9.0.0 (32-bit) SR2 Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit)