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 Setting length of axis scrollbar
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Posted - 06/24/2016 :  10:05:22 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Hi, me again!

I was wondering, whether I can specify the total length of an axis scrollbar that I add to my graph. I want to use the scrollbar to zoom into certain areas on my x axis. My x axis goes from 0 to 1200 (seconds in my case), but when I add the scrollbar it creates a scrollbar that goes from 0 to around 16000. I think this is because my data in the corresponding worksheet goes to about 16000 rows. When the scrollbar is so large compared to my x axis it is really hard to select smaller areas. Is there a solution where I can create a scrollbar that matches my x axis in size, so selecting is easier?



Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 9.0.0 (32-bit) SR2
Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit)

Hideo Fujii

1582 Posts

Posted - 06/24/2016 :  1:59:32 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Lea,

> because my data in the corresponding worksheet goes to about 16000 rows. When the
> scrollbar is so large compared to my x axis it is really hard to select smaller areas.

I'm not sure if the following procedure gives you a good exploratory mean, but can you try?

1) (optional) Copy the formats (color, line type, etc.) of your preferred graph customization
(or then save as a theme).

2) Create a "Zoom Graph" ("Plot> Specialized> Zoom" menu) from your 16,000 data.
You can select the zoom region (upper layer) where you wanted roughly as a target area.
(At this time, you still has the difficulty of specification for the narrow range.)

3) Select the second layer, then use the pan/zoom operation (press "X" or "Z" key,
then rotate the mouse wheel to show what you wanted as the target.

Note: To reset the zooming, you can move the ROI (cyan) box in the upper layer.

4) (optional) You can extract the zoomed layer by the "Extract to Graphs" tool button,
then apply the copied format (or saved theme) to the extracted graph.
Of course, you can also manually customize your graph.

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

Edited by - Hideo Fujii on 06/24/2016 4:27:23 PM
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9 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2016 :  05:10:26 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Hideo,

thanks for the solution. This does partially what I want.

I actually makes it easier to select my ROI, because the cyan rectangle's maximum size actually the same as my x axis length instead of only like 7,5% with scroll bar (1200/16,000 = 7,5%), which gives me more range to work with. The Zoom Graph also some ohter handy feature, so thanks for suggesting it.

But for some reason I can't manage to apply the format of my original graph to the zoomed in section after I do the "Extract to Graphs" operation. At first it was undoing the zoom when I applied the saved theme. I undid that, saved the project and restarted, but then nothing at all happened, when I applied the theme. I feel like this might be bug or something, because it worked fine before. Right now, I'm working around that, by simply noting the axes' dimensions of my ROI, selecting a portion of my data accordingly and then re-plotting that data.

For now, this is good eniugh for my purposes. Thanks again!

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