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 Problem exporting graph with transparent areas
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Posted - 07/11/2016 :  09:03:41 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic

I have the following problem:
I usually export my graphs from origin as .eps file to use them in latex documents with psfrag. Therefore all text in the graph has to be safed in text-form in the .eps and not in some binary format.
Normally this works fine, but when I fill the area between two graphs with a color and set this color as partially-transparent, parts of the text (key, axis label,...; not always the same parts) are exported in a binary format instead of as text.
If I set the transparency off in the export options, this problem doesn't show, but I want to use transparency in my graphs...

Can someone help me?


Origin Ver.: OriginPro 2016G
Operating System: Win 7 64bit

Edited by - F.Scherff on 07/11/2016 09:05:10 AM


343 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2016 :  11:12:40 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by F.Scherff


I have the following problem:
I usually export my graphs from origin as .eps file to use them in latex documents with psfrag. Therefore all text in the graph has to be safed in text-form in the .eps and not in some binary format.
Normally this works fine, but when I fill the area between two graphs with a color and set this color as partially-transparent, parts of the text (key, axis label,...; not always the same parts) are exported in a binary format instead of as text.
If I set the transparency off in the export options, this problem doesn't show, but I want to use transparency in my graphs...

Can someone help me?


Origin Ver.: OriginPro 2016G
Operating System: Win 7 64bit

Even the latest EPS standard does not support transparency. To make it look like transparent, it has to be rendered as raster image. I suppose you should export the graphs as PDF files. LaTeX certainly supports PDF.

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Posted - 07/12/2016 :  03:00:27 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Castiel

Even the latest EPS standard does not support transparency. To make it look like transparent, it has to be rendered as raster image. I suppose you should export the graphs as PDF files. LaTeX certainly supports PDF.

Thank you for the fast answer!
I have to use .eps-pictures for formatting reasons.

I understand the problem, but I don't see, why it also the saves the text as binary code...

In the eps-version of the attached picture (I had to convert it to png to upload it), the lower x-axis and the y-axis are saved binary, the upper x-axis as text (in the eps files are lines like "/MC1_Arial 75 self 702 -230 m (0,05)[28 14 28 28 ] xs" for the "0,05" tick of the upper x-axis and I need these lines to put the picture in the latex document the right way).
If everything was saved in binary format due to rasterization I could understand it, but I don't understand, why parts of the text are saved the right way and other parts not?

Do you know more about this problem?

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343 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2016 :  05:35:29 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by F.Scherff

Originally posted by Castiel

Even the latest EPS standard does not support transparency. To make it look like transparent, it has to be rendered as raster image. I suppose you should export the graphs as PDF files. LaTeX certainly supports PDF.

Thank you for the fast answer!
I have to use .eps-pictures for formatting reasons.

I understand the problem, but I don't see, why it also the saves the text as binary code...

In the eps-version of the attached picture (I had to convert it to png to upload it), the lower x-axis and the y-axis are saved binary, the upper x-axis as text (in the eps files are lines like "/MC1_Arial 75 self 702 -230 m (0,05)[28 14 28 28 ] xs" for the "0,05" tick of the upper x-axis and I need these lines to put the picture in the latex document the right way).
If everything was saved in binary format due to rasterization I could understand it, but I don't understand, why parts of the text are saved the right way and other parts not?

Do you know more about this problem?

Did you add another layer to show the top axis and right axis? I guess

1) the data is plotted into Layer-1, displaying the left axis and the bottom axis.
2) To make the process simple, all elements are converted to raster image (maybe except for the x/y titles?) whenever necessary for any of them.
3) when a new layer is added later, the program will determine whether necessary to convert it into image again.

You may try to add another layer to display the left axis and the bottom axis, arranging layers and linking axes in Layer Management (Menu: Graph -> Layer Management...).

BTW, looks like the OpenGL 3D graphs would ALWAYS be converted to raster images :(

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