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 Chart order in multi-panel graph.
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Posted - 01/20/2017 :  11:37:08 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Using OriginPro 2017 32bit; Windows 7 Enterprise.

I am working with a large database and using Unstack Columns to create subsets of the data from which I am generating multi-panel charts using a Group Identifier. I need to specify the chart order on the page. Have tried multiple approaches; arranging the data columns into a specific order (doesn't work - chart defaults to A-Z order), also specified the row number first and left column as default (didn't work), used the Layer Management/Size Position menu to move charts to different positions and also tried swapping (chart titles and legends mysteriously disappear), and finally dragging and dropping (extremely messy exercise when working with a large number of plots). Not sure what I'm missing to make this function properly. Thanks!



Posted - 01/20/2017 :  1:33:05 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
After manipulating my data set I found a workaround, although it is extremely time-consuming; I moved each set of columnar data into a position within the spreadsheet to force the chart display order.

My next workaround will consist of developing an index number for each data set to group on two columns. I'll post if successful.
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Hideo Fujii

1582 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2017 :  3:35:27 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi tmendes,

When you create a "Multiple Panels by Label" (or "Stack") graph, even though the deafault order is by
the Group Identifier, you can then change the order by the steps:
1) Press the tiny triangle button at the "Input" branch, and select "Select Columns" flyout 
   to open the Dataset Browser.
2) In the bottom panel which contains the selected datasets, grab-and-drag the small square cell 
   at the left most to change the order. Click OK.
Now you see the desired order in the preview graph. Click OK to create the graph.

Does this work?

--Hideo Fujii

P.S. This technique can be used for "Merge Graph Windows" in the Graph Browser when you choose "..."
button at the Graphs branch in the tool.

Edited by - Hideo Fujii on 01/20/2017 4:18:03 PM
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Posted - 01/20/2017 :  5:17:55 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hideo Fujii - Thank you for your quick reply. I understand how this is done, however, I have a very large number of columns and this approach is very time consuming.

I have created an index number for my grouping variable and used this to sort my columns of data when unstacking them from the larger data set. The only drawback to my approach is the chart title (Comment) is preceded by my index number.

It would be extremely helpful if the application dialog box for unstacking columns based on multiple criteria provided a means of separating the criteria into two lines in the data identification matrix to keep things clean.

Also, I don't know if this exercise can be done using programming but it also would be helpful if the user interface could be saved to a syntax file for additional manipulation - something similar to the SPSS syntax file.

Thanks again for your help!
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1406 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2017 :  7:08:55 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I don't know what is the end result of your graph but can you use Trellis plot? No need to unstack your data, just set the data column from database to be Categorical, so you can control the sorting order by the categories.


We also have this blog,

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Posted - 01/27/2017 :  2:34:03 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
cpyang - Thanks for the suggestion - I have tried this method unfortunately the trellis chart x-y axis range cannot be set independently, which I need to do for my charts.
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1400 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2017 :  11:27:03 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello Tom,

I saw you had emails with our tech support with opjs recently. I suppose this forum post is about further questions you had for the same or similar opj.

Here are answers to your questions:
1. You don't need to manually change panel orders in graph window etc.
Suppose your graph is created by using "Plot: Multi-Panel by" in Unstacked result sheet and suppose Site ID is your grouping column.

Go to original worksheet. Right click Site ID column and choose Set As Categorical.
--> You will see there is a Categories column label row with Unsorted in display. Double click Unsorted to open a dialog. You can change the categories order to ascending, descending, or you can check "Custom Categories" checkbox and manually set the orders. Click OK.

Then go to our Unstacked columns result sheet. If the recalculation mode is set to Manual, you will see yellow lock. You can single left click on the lock and choose Recalcualte. Or you can change the Recalcualtion Mode to Auto so everytime you change categorical orders, the Unstacked columns sheet will auto update.

Now if you go to Graph window, you will see the panel order is based on your categorical order.

This categorical concept is used in many grouped plot types so users don't need to manually change orders in graph. They change categorical orders in source worksheet to how they like.

We have a blog See Plot the Subgroups in a Certain Sequence section about how to adjust categorical orders to adjust grouped plot orders.

2. In Unstack Columns dialog, there is an Output -> Put Grouping Info. to dropdown list. The default is Comments. You can change it to User Defined Parameters so all Grouping Column info. will be put to individual label rows in result sheet.

Thanks, Snow
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Posted - 01/30/2017 :  4:28:30 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Snow - Thank you so much! Changing my column of data to a categorical variable and using a second column of index numbers to sort my data quickly works brilliantly!
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