Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System: I'm trying to make the graph show a temperature from 95 degrees to 55 to 72 and back to 95 degrees and the cycle as follows. With a time cycle of 10 seconds for each temperature change. How do I start with the plotting and the gradual change in the temperature?
Have you looked at the "Sending Waveforms to Origin" and "Sending XY Data to Origin" LabView examples? These are good examples of continuous sending and plotting data in Origin. The later example also show how to load an Origin project that can have your worksheet and plot window already prepared for your data. These examples are found in Origin's "Samples\Automation Server\LabView" folder.
I have created a new example that sends data with repeating X. The example will be included with future versions of Origin but you can get a copy of the example now from our FTP site using the link below.