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 matlab loading data from origin workbooks
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Posted - 07/20/2018 :  06:31:49 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. 2018 and Service Release 1 b9.5.1.195 (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Win10

I'm not an experienced user of Origin COM Automation Server, but I used to succesfully use a script based on ImportOrigin downloaded from matlab fileexchange site (

tempdata = struct('name',[],'xy',[]);
tempdata(1) = [];
originObj = actxserver('Origin.ApplicationSI');
workbooksHandle = invoke(originObj,'WorksheetPages');

nbooks = get(workbooksHandle,'Count') % Number of workbooks in project
    for b = 0:nbooks-1 % Loop all workbooks
%workbookHandle = get(workbooksHandle,'Parent',b)
        workbookHandle = get(workbooksHandle,'Item',b); % Handle to workbook b
        workbookName = get(workbookHandle,'Name'); % Short name of workbook b
        workbookLongName = get(workbookHandle,'LongName') % Long name of workbook b
        % Identify worksheets
        worksheetsHandle = get(workbookHandle,'layers'); % Handle to worksheets of workbook b
        nsheets = get(worksheetsHandle,'Count'); % Number of sheets in workbook b
        for s = 0:nsheets-1 % Loop all worksheets
            worksheetHandle = get(worksheetsHandle,'Item',s); % Handle to sheet s
            worksheetName = get(worksheetHandle,'Name'); % Short name of sheet s
            worksheetLongName = get(worksheetHandle,'LongName'); % Long name of sheet s
            worksheetData = invoke(originObj,'GetWorksheet',sprintf('[%s]%s',workbookName,worksheetName)); % Get worksheet data
            fh = @(x) all(isnan(x(:)));
            worksheetData(cellfun(fh, worksheetData)) = {[]}; % Remove all NaN from cell array
            fh = @(x) all(ischar(x(:)));
            worksheetData(cellfun(fh, worksheetData)) = {[]}; % Remove all strings from cell array
            if ~iscell(worksheetData) || isempty(worksheetData)
                % If there is no worksheet data found, continue to next
            % Identify columns
            columnsHandle = get(worksheetHandle,'Columns'); % Handle to columns of worksheet s
            ncolumns = get(columnsHandle,'Count'); % Number of columns in sheet s
            x = [];
            y = [];
            for c = 0:ncolumns-1 % Loop all columns
                columnHandle = get(columnsHandle,'Item',c); % Handle to column c
                columnName = get(columnHandle,'Name'); % Name of column c
                columnType = get(columnHandle,'Type'); % Column type: 0 (Y), 3 (X) or 5 (Z)
                columnLongName = get(columnHandle,'LongName'); % Long name of column c
                columnsUnits = get(columnHandle,'Units'); % Units specified in column c (not actually used here)
                columnComment = get(columnHandle,'Comments'); % Comments specified in column c (not actually used here)
                % Store column data
                if columnType==3 % If x-vector
                    x = [worksheetData{:,c+1}]';
                    x(isnan(x)) = []; % Remove NaN
                elseif columnType==0 % If y-vector
                    y = [worksheetData{:,c+1}]';
                    y(isnan(y)) = []; % Remove NaN
                    % Check x,y data
                    if ~isnumeric(x) || ~isnumeric(y) || ismember(1,isnan(x)) || ismember(1,isnan(y)) || isempty(x) || isempty(y) % || length(x)<5 || length(y)<5
                        % If x and y are not actual data, skip to next
                    % Put (x,y) pair into tempdata structure
                    tempdata(end+1).name = sprintf('Book[%s]: Sheet[%s]: Col(%s): Name(%s)',workbookLongName,worksheetName,columnName,columnLongName);
                    if length(x)>length(y)
                        tempdata(end).xy = [x(1:length(y)) y]; % Cut x
                    elseif length(x)<length(y)
                        tempdata(end).xy = [x y(1:length(x))]; % Cut y
                        tempdata(end).xy = [x y]; % Equal sizes of x and y
                    % If z-vector, skip

It is supposed to loop over the whole project and load data from workbooks to matlab workspace variable tempdata.xy.
It was working fine with origin 2017, but since last update to v.2018 it does not load the data (matlab and origin data files are the same). The command in the very beginning seems to be the problem:
workbooksHandle = invoke(originObj,'WorksheetPages')
as I've noticed it gives different output in comparison with older version of origin. Do you have any suggestion what to do to solve the problem?
Best regards,


1630 Posts

Posted - 07/20/2018 :  4:41:09 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Couple of things need to be changed in your script:
1. change iterator index b, c to int32(b), int32(c), etc. (Line 9, 18, 38)
2. Column type returns strings, need to change line 46, 49.

Please try the following script:

tempdata = struct('name',[],'xy',[]);
tempdata(1) = [];
originObj = actxserver('Origin.ApplicationSI');
workbooksHandle = invoke(originObj,'WorksheetPages');

nbooks = get(workbooksHandle,'Count') % Number of workbooks in project
    for b = 0:nbooks-1 % Loop all workbooks
%workbookHandle = get(workbooksHandle,'Parent',b)
        workbookHandle = get(workbooksHandle,'Item',int32(b)); % Handle to workbook b
        workbookName = get(workbookHandle,'Name'); % Short name of workbook b
        workbookLongName = get(workbookHandle,'LongName') % Long name of workbook b
        % Identify worksheets
        worksheetsHandle = get(workbookHandle,'layers'); % Handle to worksheets of workbook b
        nsheets = get(worksheetsHandle,'Count'); % Number of sheets in workbook b
        for s = 0:nsheets-1 % Loop all worksheets
            worksheetHandle = get(worksheetsHandle,'Item',int32(s)); % Handle to sheet s
            worksheetName = get(worksheetHandle,'Name'); % Short name of sheet s
            worksheetLongName = get(worksheetHandle,'LongName'); % Long name of sheet s
            worksheetData = invoke(originObj,'GetWorksheet',sprintf('[%s]%s',workbookName,worksheetName)); % Get worksheet data
            fh = @(x) all(isnan(x(:)));
            worksheetData(cellfun(fh, worksheetData)) = {[]}; % Remove all NaN from cell array
            fh = @(x) all(ischar(x(:)));
            worksheetData(cellfun(fh, worksheetData)) = {[]}; % Remove all strings from cell array
            if ~iscell(worksheetData) || isempty(worksheetData)
                % If there is no worksheet data found, continue to next
            % Identify columns
            columnsHandle = get(worksheetHandle,'Columns'); % Handle to columns of worksheet s
            ncolumns = get(columnsHandle,'Count'); % Number of columns in sheet s
            x = [];
            y = [];
            for c = 0:ncolumns-1 % Loop all columns
                columnHandle = get(columnsHandle,'Item',int32(c)); % Handle to column c
                columnName = get(columnHandle,'Name'); % Name of column c
                columnType = get(columnHandle,'Type'); % Column type: 0 (Y), 3 (X) or 5 (Z)
                columnLongName = get(columnHandle,'LongName'); % Long name of column c
                columnsUnits = get(columnHandle,'Units'); % Units specified in column c (not actually used here)
                columnComment = get(columnHandle,'Comments'); % Comments specified in column c (not actually used here)
                % Store column data
                if columnType=='COLTYPE_X' % If x-vector
                    x = [worksheetData{:,c+1}]';
                    x(isnan(x)) = []; % Remove NaN
                elseif columnType=='COLTYPE_Y' % If y-vector
                    y = [worksheetData{:,c+1}]';
                    y(isnan(y)) = []; % Remove NaN
                    % Check x,y data
                    if ~isnumeric(x) || ~isnumeric(y) || ismember(1,isnan(x)) || ismember(1,isnan(y)) || isempty(x) || isempty(y) % || length(x)<5 || length(y)<5
                        % If x and y are not actual data, skip to next
                    % Put (x,y) pair into tempdata structure
                    tempdata(end+1).name = sprintf('Book[%s]: Sheet[%s]: Col(%s): Name(%s)',workbookLongName,worksheetName,columnName,columnLongName);
                    if length(x)>length(y)
                        tempdata(end).xy = [x(1:length(y)) y]; % Cut x
                    elseif length(x)<length(y)
                        tempdata(end).xy = [x y(1:length(x))]; % Cut y
                        tempdata(end).xy = [x y]; % Equal sizes of x and y
                    % If z-vector, skip

Thank you,
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36 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2018 :  08:31:42 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Yes, now it works! Thank you very much.
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